Agenda item


To receive an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan provided by the Senior Responsible Officer on behalf of the Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group. 


The Commission received an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) from the Toby Sanders, Senior Responsible Officer on behalf of the Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group.  Sarah Prema, Director of Strategy and Planning, Leicester City CCG and Sarah Smith, BCT/STP Communications Lead, Leicester City CCG also attended the meeting for this item.


In addition to the contents of the update which had been circulated with the agenda it was also noted that:-


a)         The latest draft STP had been submitted to NHS England on 31 October and feedback was awaited later in the week. 


b)         The System Leadership Team (SLT) would meet for the first time the following week and would be asked to determine the publication of the draft STP which was likely to be at the end of November.  A series of meetings would then be required with the various CCG Boards and then through public consultation to allow feedback from the Health and Wellbeing Boards, Scrutiny Commissions and stakeholders and the public.  The feedback would then be considered before further consultation took place on any re-configuration of services which required it.


In response to comments made by Members the Senior Responsible Officer stated:-


a)         Contracts for services issued in December were operational contracts that are normally issued in March each year.  The contracts issued in December would introduce the changes needed for operational services in the short term to support the STP process, and it was expected that these contracts would be refined in the later years of the STP as it evolved.  Such contracts would be required to enable the LPT Community Nursing Teams to work with the social care teams to deliver the integrated community teams within the STP.


b)         There were still some drafting changes to be made to the STP and it should be in a finalised form by the end of November.


c)         Comments made by Members of the Commission on the previous BCT had been taken into account in drafting the STP.


Members made the following comments:-


a)         That the other local authorities had published the STP for their area in advance of the approval from NHS England.


b)         The public also need to know how they can be included in the consultation process.


Healthwatch Leicester stated that they were meeting with the Senior Responsible Officer to discuss the consultation process so that it was clear, simple and the public easily understood what was being asked of them.


The Deputy City Mayor stated that he shared Members’ frustration that the STP had not being published for consultation and had already made his views known to the Senior Responsible Officer.  However, he also appreciated the constraints placed upon the CCGs by NHS England in the STP process.  Whilst he would prefer the STP to enter into the public domain in a planned and measured way by the CCGs, he had indicated that he would publish the draft STP if its publication was delayed beyond the end of November.


The Deputy City Mayor also indicated that he and the Chair would need to discuss the governance arrangements of the STP to ensure that there was a co-ordinated approach to the STP process.




            1)         That the Senior Responsible Officer be thanked for the update.


2)         That the Commission meet after the STP is published to consider its implications for the health and wellbeing of people in the City.


3)         That the Deputy City Mayor and the Chair of the Commission discuss the relative roles of the Commission and the Health and Wellbeing Board in relation to the governance arrangements for the STP.




The Scrutiny Policy Manager and the Democratic Support Officer to make arrangements for the Commission to consider the STP when it is published for consultation.


The Chair and the Deputy City Mayor discuss the governance arrangements for the STP. 



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