Agenda item


The Acting Director of Housing submits a report which provides the Commission with feedback on the consultation exercise in relation to the proposals that were contained in the report on the ‘Review of the Housing Register / Housing Allocations Policy’ that was presented to the Commission on 10th October 2016. It is recommended the Commission Members consider the responses from the consultation exercise and provide feedback to Executive.



The Chair, Councillor Newcombe, handed the Chair to the Vice-Chair, Councillor Alfonso, as previously stated in his declaration of interest.


The Director of Housing submitted a report which provided the Commission with feedback on the consultation exercise in relation to the proposals that were contained in the report on the ‘Review of the Housing Register / Housing Allocations Policy’ that was presented to the Commission on 10th October 2016. It was recommended that the Commission consider the responses from the consultation exercise, and provide feedback to the Executive.


Caroline Carpendale, Head of Service, presented the report, and highlighted the rationale behind the review, some details of the responses to the consultation and future plans.


Members were informed that mapping of under-occupancy would commence, and a presentation on resolving housing needs, for example, mutual exchanges, and provision of further options for tenants would be brought to a future Commission meeting


In response to Members’ questions, the following information was given:


·         Registered social housing providers had given feedback to the consultation exercise, and their consultation responses were appreciated. Each provider had service level agreements and levels of stock used for nominations although registered providers did have their own registers and allocated directly to those. The intention was to keep the nomination process in place;

·         The online consultation was held for a period of six weeks, and paper copies were provided on request. It noted that the majority of responses were agreement in principle with the proposals;

·         In response to a comment regarding the removal of Bands 4 and 5, it was suggested that it may give the false impression that the remaining three bands would receive offers of accommodation quicker. The meeting was informed that average waiting times in the bands was provided to waiting list applicants at regular intervals, and the reduction of bands would not increase the number of properties to rent;

·         The opportunity for those on the register that may be under or over occupying was being taken forward proactively by Housing in order to support people obtaining suitable housing;

·         Waterloo Housing Group was a provider of affordable housing in the city, and in discussions with the authority about their hard to let stock that could be utilised and potentially made available to those on the Housing register;

·         People due to be removed from the lower bands would be contacted before being taken off the register to ascertain if their housing needs were the same. It was also noted that some people might be in unaffordable private sector housing, and might be placed in the higher bands.


Councillor Connelly, Assistant Mayor for Housing, responded to a question from the Vice-Chair on the licensing scheme for private landlords in Manchester. He informed the meeting the scheme was due to end soon, and they were not proposing the renew it due to its heavy burden. However, Nottingham were looking to introduce a licensing scheme which required government approval. Leicester City Council would wait for the outcome of Nottingham’s application, and if successful, would look at the issue for Leicester again. It was noted the government believed landlord licensing penalised good landlords.


The Chair asked that the Commission be kept informed on the progress for Nottingham, and final result.


The Chair thanked the officer and Assistant Mayor for Housing for the information.




1.    The report be noted;

2.    Information on the landlord licensing scheme in Nottingham be brought to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Commission;

3.    A report be brought to the Commission with regard to under/over occupation and work to address this through the use of Mutual Exchanges.


Councillor Newcombe took the Chair.

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