Agenda item


The Commission will receive an update from the Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group on the outcome of the Mental Health Recovery Hub Consultation.


Members will be asked to receive the update in the form of the following report:


Re-Procurement of Mental Health Preventative Services


The Strategic Director submits a report entitled Re-Procurement of Mental Health Preventative Services, which provides the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission with a summary of the outcome of the consultation exercise, which proposes to create a number of Recovery and Resilience Hubs across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). The outcome of the consultation exercise is summarised at Appendix 1.


The Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission is asked to note the outcome of the consultation exercise and to provide feedback.





Late Report: Re-Procurement of Mental Health Preventative Services


Under Scrutiny Procedure Rule Part 4E (14) the Chair accepted the above report, as urgent on the grounds that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had needed time to assimilate the findings from the Mental Health Recovery Hub Consultation and Scrutiny’s views were sought prior to commencing the procurement exercise.


The Strategic Director, Adult Social Care submitted a report that provided the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission with a summary of the outcome of the consultation exercise which proposed to create a number of Recovery and Resilience Hubs across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, to provide non clinical mental health preventative services.


The Director for Care Services and Commissioning (Adult Social Care) stated that there were currently three organisations in the City that provided non clinical low level support. The proposal was for the Leicester City CCG and Leicester City Council to joint fund two Recovery and Resilience Hubs in the City. There would also be a number of Hubs across Leicestershire and Rutland to provide a coordinated response. The aim was to commence the procurement exercise at the end of February 2017.  The specifications were currently being written and it was anticipated that they would be finalised within the next two weeks, subject to Executive agreement. The timing was tight because existing contracts expired in September 2016. There was a need to coordinate the programme across the County and Rutland so that the CCGs and authorities were working to the same timeline.  The Strategic Director added that he believed the unified service, with the CCGs would be beneficial.


A Member supported the proposals but expressed a concern that the CCGs and the NHS were not used to being scrutinised and asked that they be reminded about adhering to timelines to allow time for meaningful scrutiny. The Strategic Director commented that he understood those concerns and confirmed that they were working with the CCG on such issues.


It was noted that as part of the consultation, 749 people were engaged with overall, although some may have been duplicated as some people attended events more than once. The Chair commented that this appeared to be a small sample and questioned what percentage this represented service users, family members and potential future users. The Strategic Director responded that every single person living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland could be a potential user of a Hub.  The consultation had been posted on the Council Website, but responses relating to social care consultations generally and through experience, tended to be quite small. Officers were satisfied that the consultation process would stand up to scrutiny if challenged.


The Chair thanked officers for the report stating that she was aware that they had worked hard to bring it to this meeting of the Commission.  At the suggestion of a Member, it was agreed that a progress report on the joint commissioning of the Mental Health Recovery Hubs would be brought to a future meeting of the Commission in a few months’ time.



that the Commission note the outcome of the consultation exercise and request that a progress report on the Joint Commissioning of the Mental Health Recovery Hubs be brought back to the Commission in a few months’ time.

Supporting documents: