Agenda item


An update will be provided on a number of transport and highways issues in the Ward.


Martin Fletcher – Head of Highways and Mark Govan – Transport Strategy Officer were both present at the meeting.


At the start of the meeting, a number of pupils from Spinney Hill Primary School gave a presentation which highlighted their concerns about road safety surrounding their school. These concerns included; drivers parking and manoeuvring incorrectly, speeding and the dangers faced when crossing the road.


Martin noted the following;

·         Current plans with Councillors and the City Mayor were in place to develop a parking strategy, of which a consultation took place last autumn. It was noted that a lot of the parking strategy agenda was concerned with school run parking.

·         There were 117 schools within Leicester City and the Highways/ Transport team would be visiting every school and working with teachers, parents, stakeholders, road safety and other partner agencies to address the issue.

·         When visited, the schools and their surroundings would be analysed to see what physical measures could be put in place.

·         Leicester and Leicestershire had recently secured £3m from the government to encourage walking and cycling to school.

·         The Council were considering stronger enforcement including camera enforcement penalty notices and the recruitment of more civil enforcement officers.

·         Martin emphasized the fact that the school run parking/ traffic concerns were a large and City wide issue and that resolutions would take time.


Residents/ School teacher and governor concerns:

·         It was reported that the Spinney Hill Primary School had raised these parking and road safety concerns with the Council 12 months ago and had not received a response.

·         It was requested that an officer attend the school on a morning to see the situation. Mark Govan confirmed that he had attended the school on the same day and took images/ noted details of the issue.

·         A resident queried the zig zag lines policy. Martin noted that officers were currently going around and examining these lines in the City as most were currently advisory zig zag signs. However, the Council were looking at stronger enforcement for example developing a policy to remove the observational period.

·         It was reported that school teachers and parents had been addressing the parking situation and assisting children to cross the roads outside of Spinney Hill Primary School. However, it was requested that the Council provide more surveillance/ support at some point.

·         The Police noted that they only had limited powers to address parking concerns. Sergeant Webb would feedback to the ward Sergeant to see what could be done.

·         Councillor Malik requested Martin to have a meeting with the Spinney Hill Primary School head teacher in approximately three months to discuss progress.

·         Councillor Malik requested Martin to send something in writing to the head teacher and include Councillors to note which areas would be addressed.

·         Attendees asked for one way road systems to also be included within the analysis.

·         Mark noted that 13 speed surveys were currently taking place around the city in the most high speed areas. One speed survey of which was on East Park Road.