Agenda item


Members of the commission will receive a presentation on the East District Neighbourhood area, 12 month changes and challenges.


The Commission received a presentation from Nick Griffiths, the District Manager on the East District Neighbourhood Area, a copy of which was attached to the agenda and is also attached to the back of these minutes.


During the ensuing discussion, a number of comments and queries were raised which included the following:    


·     The new staffing structure was noted and it was queried whether this was likely to remain as it was or whether further changes were planned. Officers responded that with forthcoming changes in the pipeline, such as the full roll out of Universal Credit in Leicester, further amendments to the structure could not be ruled out. People were facing challenges with the reduction in their benefits and there was a need to ensure the service helped people to remain in their homes. The staffing structure had already been changed to enable a focus on tenancy management.


·     A Member commented on the desirability and demand of two-bedroom houses and questioned whether anything could be done to make bedsits more appealing. Officers responded that affordability was an important factor, but historically they had not been very popular. Bedsits also attracted vulnerable people and could create management issues for a block or area. There could be positive reasons however why someone might want to move out of a bedsit in a particular area.


·     The new Housing Allocations Policy had amended the banding system from five bands to three and this reduced the Housing register from over 11,000 applicants to 7000 applicants with many of those with no need, or very little need, removed from the register. There was an opportunity to appeal if someone was dissatisfied with the decision.


·     Concerns were raised about litter and residents dumping rubbish around the bin area in St Matthews. Officers responded that there was a budget challenge and reduction; there had been a reduction of two members of staff on one estate, but officers were working on this issue and ensuring bins were emptied on time. The priority of Estate Wardens had been on bin areas, chutes and the emptying of bins to ensure fire compliance and due to the BIFFA contract operational issues that had been going, the level of litter picking had to be reduced, but they were trying to encourage more of a community spirit amongst residents. Where culprits were identified, fines would be issued. The Chair commented that she was pleased that efforts were being made to keep the bin areas clean as litter presented a fire hazard.


·     In respect of pest control, work was being carried for the treatment of rats and also to eradicate bed bugs in Goscote House, one of the high rise blocks.


·     In response to a query about capital investment for replacement boilers, the Commission heard that during 2016/17 over £3m was spent on the replacement of boilers city-wide. On average, a boiler installation cost about £2,500 which included any necessary pipework and new radiators.


The Chair drew the discussion to a close and thanked the District Manager for the presentation.

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