Agenda item


To receive an update on highways issues in the Ward


Stuart Maxwell – City Transport Director gave an update on the highway maintenance works.

·         The entire length of the following areas were noted as complete: Folville Rise, Bainbridge Road, Elmsthorpe Rise, Erdyngton Road, Camville Road, Aylmer Road, Burnell Road, Newcombe Road, Bewicke Road, Seagrave Road, Hand Avenue (both sides), Collingham Road (not including sett junction), Roundhay Road.

·         The following areas were also complete in part: Winchester Avenue, Nutfield Road, Wilmington Road, Chartley Road.

·         Gooding Avenue was still to be completed.

·         It was noted that three schemes had been moved to 2018/19 – Caldecote Road, Imperial Avenue and Meredith Road.

·         Councillor Corrall informed attendees that the Ward Councillors would soon be meeting with the City Mayor and therefore residents could provide feedback on any road concerns to Councillors after this meeting.

·         As part of the bus pinch point improvements programme, improvements to bus scheduling times on Narborough Road were being considered. This was to improve reliability of services and protect from congestion.

·         Residents had concerns that the No.19 bus route service was regularly late. Stuart would feedback this comment to the Bus User Panel.

·         Stuart was also trying to develop links with community transport facilities.


School Run Parking:

·         Queensmead Primary School - had been visited and an action plan was being prepared.

·         St Mary’s Fields – A meeting with a Council Officer would be taking place later this month with the head teacher regarding complaints on various issues. The school was further down the priority list.

·         Caldecote Primary School – A meeting took place with the head teacher to discuss issues around the school. A school crossing patrol had now been appointed at the school.  The school was further down the priority list however quotes were provided for pencil bollard installation.


Evesham Road link:

·         A resident queried if there was any further information on this. Stuart noted that this was a potential proposal in the local plan which was currently at consultation stage. Residents were encouraged to express their views on the local plan consultation.


LEW Bollards:

·         Three LEW bollards would be installed outside 256 Narborough Road to stop parking on the footway on the corner. These would be marked up this week.


Bikeability Cycle Training:

·         Would be provided to the following schools: Folville Junior School, Caldecote Primary School, Braunstone Community Primary School, Queensmead Primary Academy and St Mary’s Fields Primary School.


Pedestrian and Cycle counter:

·         In regards to the pedestrian and cycle counter installed in Braunstone Park, it was noted that this was vandalised within one hour. This was to be reinstalled and Stuart discussed possible digital camera technology to identify vandalism.


Residents and Councillors reported issues:

·         Residents reported that the Leicester City Council drains on Braunstone Lane were not in a good state. Stuart agreed to have this looked at.

·         A resident requested for signage to be placed somewhere between the corner of Narborough Road onto Braunstone Lane East to inform drivers to slow down as they approach towards Ellesmere College.

·         Councillor Corrall noted plans to install a defibrillator on the other side of the park to where the other defibrillator was placed.