The Director of Housing submits a report to provide feedback to the Housing Scrutiny Commission on the consultation exercise relating to the homelessness review, strategy and proposals.
The Director of Housing submitted a report to provide feedback on the consultation exercise relating to the homelessness review, strategy and proposals.
Caroline Carpendale, Head of Service, Housing, presented the report which included details of the full consultation exercise and the responses which had been completed over a four week period.
The Chair complimented the Assistant City Mayor for Housing Councillor Connelly for his radio interview on homelessness and rough sleepers.
The following concerns were highlighted by Members of the Commission and the Head of Service provided responses:
· Issues surrounding the Dawn Centre were emphasised by Members as a matter for concern. It was queried as to why there were a number of perceived barriers by clients in accessing the services provided at the centre and that potential clients suggesting they had not been informed of daytime services. In addition, Members felt there was reluctance for some to use the overnight accommodation and instead preferred to sleep on the streets.
· The number of bedded units and emergency beds in the Dawn Centre was explained by the Head of Service, Housing. The centre currently had 62 residents and that there were a lot of residents living there who had complex issues relating to substance abuse, alcohol misuse and mental health issues. It was noted that an inclusion health care team and mental health inclusion service team were available on site. Some reasons for people not wanting to use the centre included the centres zero tolerance policy to drugs as well as the cost of meal provisions (approximately £30 a week) which was not covered by Housing Benefit. In regards to the draft strategy it was aimed to reconfigure and offer different models of accommodation to suite various complex needs.
· The Chair expressed concern that whilst valuable information had been gained through the rough sleeper surveys it mainly concentrated on the inner city area whilst the outer estates still required help. Any assistance which the Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) could contribute was also requested.
· Further discussions took place on; young people requiring care with regard to the number of hostels which were available and the local connection in relation to women’s refuge who were victims of or feared sex and domestic abuse.
· The Chair noted there was no reference to equalities, gender, age etc. in the homeless client responses and it was felt that this would be useful.
Julie Turner, Business Change Manager, Housing commented that the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 response was integrated into the new strategy on which a report was currently being prepared for the Assistant City Mayor for Housing.
The Assistant City Mayor for Housing, Councillor Connelly thanked the Business Change Manager, Housing and the Head of Service, Housing for their hard work. It was encouraged that the more that could be done to reduce the number of rough sleepers would be the better but meeting the target for 2020 would be a challenge.
1. That Councillor Cank would attend a conference in London on Thursday about the new homeless strategy and provide feedback to the next meeting of the Housing Scrutiny Commission.
2. To note the contents of the report and thank the Officers.
3. That Councillor Cank set out the views of the Commission on the report in a letter to Assistant City Mayor Councillor Connelly.
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