Agenda item


The Evington Ward Councillors will provide an update on the issues they have been dealing with in the Evington Ward.


Attendees were asked to note the Ward Councillors feedback which included the following highways issues:


·      Safety measures have been implemented in various locations around the ward (Goodwood Crescent, Davenport Road and Gamel Road).

·      There were plans for residential parking and pay and display machines around the General Hospital area.

·      With the introduction of 20MPH zones in various locations around the ward the Downing Drive 20MPH zone that had been supported by residents and at planning was soon to be implemented.


A number of concerns and comments were raised by residents which included the following:


·         There were problems with the parking in Falmouth Road between the hours of 07:30 and 17:00, with cars being parked on both sides of the road, causing it to be a danger to both drivers and pedestrians and leaving no room for residents’ parking.

·         Concerns were expressed that Falmouth Road was now being used as a cut thorough road by motorists and it was hoped a solution would be found.

·         The introduction of parking meters on Coleman Road had resulted in congestion on other streets in the area.

·         The Chair stated that Councillors and Highways officers would carry out a patchwalk in the Coleman Road area in October / November. Residents were asked to leave Contact details with the Community Engagement Officer so that they could be informed of the patch walk arrangements. ACTION: Community Engagement Officer 

·         Residents raised concerns about inconsiderate parking on Spencefield Lane during school drop off and pick up hours.

·         In relation to school parking, complaints were made relating to abusive parents and some teachers when challenged about inconsiderate parking. Residents also complained about not being able to get in and out of their driveways during school drop off and pick up hours.

·         Grass verges outside residents’ properties were being damaged by parked vehicles.

·         The Chair mentioned that enforcement had been carried out at the local schools and parents had been fined. The Council was not ignoring the problem but inconsiderate parking at schools was a city wide issue, not just an Evington issue. The Chair mentioned that the City Mayor was in the process of coming to a city wide solution to tackle the problem.

·         In relation to speed cushions on Whitehall Road, a resident expressed concerns that the consultation had demonstrated that the majority of the responses were against the installation of speed cushions due to the detrimental effect on pollution and air quality.

·      Local residents brought to the attention of the councillors the number of near misses outside the leisure centre arising from people parking on Downing Drive, particularly in front of the bus stop. A request was made for double yellow lines in that vicinity. The Chair stated that this would be reported to Highways:   Action: Community Engagement Officer.

·      Concerns were expressed that nothing was being done to address parking on the double yellow lines outside the Tesco Metro on Ethel Road.  Although the lines had been repainted on the one way street coming out of Tesco, the road sign was still facing in the wrong way and not visible to motorists. In addition the speed sign on Ethel Road was still not working.

·      Some residents from the Falmouth Road area asked if the car park on Croyde Close could be repaired. They had been waiting approximately five years but had been told that the work was not a priority currently. The Chair stated that the car park would be added to the list for the upcoming patch walk. Action: Community Engagement Officer.