The Commission will receive a report which provides an update on Phase Two of the work to create an Emergency Floor at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Members are asked to comment on the report as they see fit.
The Chair welcomed and introduced Mark Wightman (LRI – Director of Strategy and Communications) and Richard Wong (LRI– Consultant in Care for the Elderly).
Mr Wightman submitted and presented the report, which provided an update on Phase 2 of the work to create an emergency floor at the LRI.
It was reported that the new emergency floor had been designed to meet the needs of patients and the recent completion of the move of all five acute assessment units next to the emergency department had created the emergency floor.
Dr Wong referred to the positive impact of the revised layout and made a particular comment on the improved hospital environment and move away from single event emergency care. He advised that greater collaboration and corporate working of staff, specialist nurses and physicians had resulted since the implementation of phase 2 of the works. It was recognised that the situation was evolving and difficulties in recruitment were reported and noted.
The Chair welcomed the report and commented on the improved patient flow data and outcomes. Concern was expressed about the increased cost of the GP Assessment Unit (GPAU) and in response to the question the Commission was reassured that as the service was operated by acute physicians, the GPAU suffered from a misnomer in its definition and that improvements to patient care had been noted.
A concern was raised as to whether the 20-minute waiting time permitted outside the Emergency Department was sufficient, as not everyone was brought to the hospital by ambulance. A Member asked for this waiting time to be reviewed.
In response to further questions it was confirmed that a review of signage, inclusion access to car parks and advice on the internal layout were being considered. It was also confirmed that proposals for a new front entrance and external layout were being considered in the next phase of improvement works.
In this regard the improved patient flow had been recognised and the vast improvement in the performance data concerning ambulance waiting times was noted and welcomed.
In discussing the images provided of the acute medical unit and the acute frailty unit and dementia corridor (Memory Lane), the Commission welcomed the improvements and the Chair suggested a site visit for members to properly assess the improvements made. Mr Wightman advised that a visit could be convened for members.
The decision to remove the former Chapel as part of the improvements was reiterated and members noted the significant opposition to the proposals when the plans were first submitted. Mr Wightman commented on the positive response since works had commenced and advised that the new Chapel had been positively received by the Hospital Chaplain and multi-faith users. It was confirmed that important historical windows and panels had been reused and relocated within the new provision.
In terms of the reported difficulties in recruiting nurses, the Commission commented on the need to increase advertisements of job opportunities at the site and at key sites elsewhere in the city. The impact of Brexit was noted and the need to offer bursaries was considered as an essential element in the recruitment and retention of staff.
The Chair advised that separate communication could be forwarded to the Secretary of State for Health to emphasise the Council’s position in this regard. It was also suggested that enhanced careers advice and links to the Council’s Children’s, Young People and Schools services would be of benefit.
In conclusion, the Chair welcomed the report and thanked Mr Wightman and Dr Wong for their attendance and for responding to the Commission’s questions.
It was AGREED to:
1) Receive and note the update on phase 2 of the Emergency Department improvements;
2) Request a review of signage, including internal signage, and external car parking and highway signage as part of the next phase of works;
3) Support the need to provide bursaries for nurses and write to the Secretary of State for Health to emphasise this position;
4) To enhance the advertisement of opportunities within the NHS, with a Task Group being established in due course to consider proposals to remove barriers and increase employment opportunities in the local NHS workforce;
5) Note the data concerning patient flow;
6) Request a review of the 20-minutes permitted waiting time outside the Emergency Department; and
7) Arrange a Members’ site visit to the Emergency Department.
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