Agenda item


Chris West, Director of Nursing and Quality and Elaine Egan Morriss,

CAMHS Commissioner / Future in Mind Transformation Programme Lead to present a report and presentation on the progress made in relation to implementation of the Local Transformation Plan and to agree proposed next steps for 2019-21 in relation to the Future in Mind Programme.



Chris West, Director of Nursing and Quality presented a report and presentation on the progress made in relation to implementation of the Local Transformation Plan and next steps for 2019-21 in relation to the Future in Mind Programme.


The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’s Transformational Plan aimed to:-

·         Develop in partnership with children and young people (C&YP) and key stakeholders.

·         Set out a multi-agency approach to improve mental health and wellbeing in Children and Young People.

·         Address gaps in current service provision.


The vision for the Plan was that Children and Young People would have access to the right help at the right time through all stages of their emotional and mental health development.  This would require a whole system approach to delivering a range of emotional, mental health and wellbeing services that met all levels of need. This would be achieved through;-


·         Engagement with all stakeholders, including education, social care, health, police, housing and justice, and children & young people and their families.

·         Developing a shared work plan with key priorities, including joint commissioning.

·         Improved interfaces between agencies to reduce fragmentation in commissioning and service delivery so that organisational boundaries were not barriers to care.


The progress and implementation of the Transformation Plan was monitored through monthly Future in Mind Governance Meetings. The presentation provided an update on progress in 2018-19 and the plans for 2019-21.


The focus in In 2017-18 had been on a system-wide ‘children & young people’s emotional, mental health and wellbeing’ pathway.  Services included:

·         Primary Mental Health Teams.

·         Resilience (including resilience in schools, 0-19 healthy child programmes).

·         Online counselling.

·         Social Care & Early Help (Local Authority Services).

·         Early Intervention (working with voluntary sector).

·         Specialist Mental Health (working with CAMHS and specialist teams e.g. early psychosis, eating disorders).

·         Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment.

·         Learning Disability Assertive Outreach.

·         Family Action Post Sexual Abuse Counselling.

·         Liaison Psychiatry.

·         City Early Intervention Psychology Support (CEIPS).


Going forward in 2019-20 the pathway would be shaped by continuing partnership work with children, young people, families, carers and professionals.  Investments for had already been identified to help transform services further, these included:

  • Interventions for children & young people who had Autism with or without Learning Disability.
  • ADHD.
  • Triage & Navigation Service.
  • Trailblazer Mental Health Support Teams working in partnership with education providers.
  • The Mistle Project developing a ‘wraparound’ service for looked after children (LAC).
  • Support for children & young people who had come into contact with the criminal justice system and developing trauma focussed interventions.


The Transformation Plan had been approved all 3 CCGs in the LLR footprint and had been shared with NHS England.


Members of the Board commented that the implementation of the Triage and Navigation Service was key to reducing inappropriate referrals to CAMHS and ensure that children and young people get the right help at the right time and make the best use of services that are in place to support them.  It was considered that the triage system could considerably reduce the number of inappropriate referrals to CAMHS.




That the progress on the implementation of the Local Transformation Plan be noted and that the proposed steps for 2019/21 as outlined in the report and presentation be supported and that the Board receive a further report to review progress in 12 months time.        






Supporting documents: