The Director of Housing submits a report to update Members of the Housing Scrutiny Commission on the progress that has been made since the decision to decommission and demolish Goscote House was made on the 24th April 2018.
In addition, the report will provide an update on the current situation regarding the installation of sprinklers to the high-rise blocks of flats since the decision was made in July 2017, that the Council would install sprinklers in all 5-council owned high rise blocks.
The Director of Housing updated Members of the Commission on progress made since the decision on 24th April 2018 to decommission and demolish Goscote House. The report also provided an update on the current situation since the decision in July 2017 to install sprinklers in all five council-owned high-rise blocks of flats.
Simon Nicholls, Head of Service for Housing, presented the report and made the following points:
· The decision to demolish Goscote House was made at the same time as the decision to refurbish Maxfield House.
· Lettings were closed and any vacant flats closed on the Northgate housing system, and tenancies were being allowed to decline naturally.
· Forty-two tenants were affected by the demolition. Twenty-four permanent residents would be moving to Maxfield House. Officers would work closely with other tenants to find new homes in areas they wanted to be in.
· Refurbishment of Maxfield House was due to be completed at the end of December 2018, subject to the installation of sprinklers, so Goscote House would remain partly-occupied until Summer 2019.
· Goscote house would be used by Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) to train fire-fighters on how to deal with a fire in a high-rise block.
· The timeline for the demolition of Goscote House was outlined in the report Phase 2 had commenced with the appointment of a Project Team and was awaiting completion of Phase 1.
· The demolition of Goscote House would hopefully be completed by the end of 2019 and would use the same methodology as New Walk Centre.
· The decision to retrofit sprinklers was made following the tragedy at Grenfell. It had involved a comprehensive process of carrying out surveys, and block safety strategy on how to act in case of fire.
· Officers in the Council had worked with LFRS to ensure the sprinkler system was fit for purpose and had followed a compliant procurement route.
· Contractors were in a position to start sprinkler installation at Maxfield house, and later the remaining four blocks.
The Head of Service responded to the following points raised by Members:
· Some tenants had been disturbed, but disruption was likely to reduce over time. The sprinkler installation was a much smaller job than the refurbishment.
· A revised quotation had been received at circa £400k and would be added to the HRA capital programme.
· There was a loss of 134 units, but the department was working to replace the loss through increase housing development.
· A decision had been made to redevelop the site and a scheme would be brought back to the Commission later. It was anticipated that the scheme would be low-rise housing, but as the site was constrained officers would work carefully with planners on a scheme that was viable to replace the affordable housing lost.
· The Council was moving forward with its Housing Company proposal and it was envisaged more than 300 affordable units would be developed over 2019-2021 to compensate for (or offset) the loss of the 134 units.
· The current tenants of Goscote House would not have the new houses earmarked for them.
· Officers had met with LFRS and were yet to firm up dates for training, but they would be given the block of flats for a period of time. They wanted to set mock fires on the 17th floor, following production of risk assessments and method statements. LFRS also wanted to involve residents at a community event at the same time.
The Chair asked Members to endorse the report, and asked officers to keep Members of the Commission informed on developments.
1. That the contents of the report be noted;
2. A report on the future redevelopment of the site be brought to a future meeting of the Housing Scrutiny Commission.
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