The Director of Housing submits a report to provide an overview and update of the Housing System Replacement Programme and Housing Channel Shift.
The Director of Housing submitted a report to provide an overview and update of the Housing System Replacement Programme and Housing Channel Shift.
Charlotte McGraw, Head of Service for Housing, presented the report and drew Members’ attention to the following points:
· Customers and tenants were being encouraged to access services online through Channel Shift, but the Customer Service Centre would still be available for face-to-face contact for the vulnerable and elderly.
· The service would continue to provide face-to-face and telephone contact.
· Key drivers for Channel Shift were to reduce costs and improve customer service by providing 24 hours a day online access to services.
· The highest call volume into Customer Services was for housing calls – 38%, with a significant number reporting repairs.
· From Spring 2019, tenants will be able to log certain repairs, including pictures for the repairs needed, and select an appointment.
· The Council has purchased a new mobile working solution; Total Mobile, which will improve reporting, assist managers with resource allocation, and enable repairs to be completed more quickly.
· The use of E-communications (text messaging, email functionality, text reminder to people) should reduce the number of tenants not in. Text messages could also be sent to people who had missed payments.
The following points were made in discussion:
· Officers reported to the Digital Transformation Board. There was a structure in place with clear plans and deadlines for the delivery of the Housing System Replacement Programme and Channel Shift. Also, the Tenants’ Forum had been consulted on a number of occasions. A significant amount of work had been undertaken over the past year and tenants would start to see the benefits of increased reliability.
· There were targets in place with outputs clearly identified. It was not envisaged that for any of the services that there would be hard stops; no reduced calls or face-to face interaction, but a delivery of Channel Shift alongside.
· The 38% increase in calls for housing did not necessarily mean the service was not performing well. There were occasional spikes in the number of calls which could relate to other things; seasonal demand could increase call volume, or more people could be contacting the service rather than face-to-face.
· There were a number of larger scale events outside of the Council which would also have an impact, for example ‘Beast from the East’ the severe cold weather experienced earlier in the year; a failure of IT systems; roll-out of Universal Credit and advice wanted on the impact on benefits; Homeless Reduction Act 2018 – all of which would add to the number of people contacting the Department.
· Figures provided about the calls were for the total number of calls answered. Customer Services had been asked to monitor calls and abandonment rates. Members with specific concerns could pass them on to the Heads of Service to address directly. Members requested a report be brought to a future Commission meeting on data on the type of calls, including the number of calls that dropped off with people not waiting to be answered.
· Not all costs for Northgate were met up-front. There had been associated costs identified in order to provide a mobile solution. Information on costs would be provided to Members in due course.
· Tenants with no knowledge on the use of computers would be assisted by floor walkers at Granby Street and at Housing Offices.
· The mobile working solution was coming to the end of the testing phase. Members of staff would be trained over the coming months with a view to the system going live in the early part of 2019.
· There was a commitment that staff in libraries give help and support, and if there were examples of complaints were no help was available they should be reported.
The Chair requested that a report on some of the times Members had raised complaints be provided, and performance in those areas monitored.
1. That the contents of the report be noted;
2. Members requested a report be brought to a future Commission meeting on data on the type of calls, including the number of calls that dropped off with people not waiting to be answered;
3. Information on additional costs for Northgate to be provided to Members in due course.
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