The Director of Housing submits a report on sheltered accommodation which includes recommendations and proposed new measures, based on consultation with residents, to improve the living conditions for existing residents, and make sheltered accommodation more appealing to prospective tenants. The Scrutiny Commission Members are recommended to note the proposed improvements and feed back any observations and comments to the Director of Housing or to the Executive.
The Director of Housing submitted a report on sheltered accommodation which included recommendation and proposed new measures, based on consultation with residents to improve the living conditions for existing residents, and make sheltered accommodation more appealing to prospective tenants. The Scrutiny Commission Members were recommended to note the proposed improvements and feedback any observations and comments to the Director of Housing or Executive.
Simon Nicholls, Head of Service presented the report, and drew Members’ attention to the following:
· 397 tenants would be given feedback on the consultation exercise.
· As part of the consultation, officers had visited other sheltered housing schemes not owned by the Council. It was proposed that Council blocks would be managed in a similar way to other non council sheltered schemes in the city.
Following questions and comments from Commission Members, the following points were made:
· Statistics on vacancy information not included in the report would be provided to Members of the Commission. It was noted there were no current plans to empty any of the blocks.
· The vacancy rate was quite high at the start of the process, but there was now managed demand, which was currently sustainable.
· People could go on the list for sheltered housing accommodation through the usual online process for housing accommodation.
· It was queried what communal activities were popular and who delivered, them. The report aimed to address this to ensure that the offer provided was consistent. It was noted that some communal areas and activities were well used, and officers wanted to make sure all were well used and refurbished to make them attractive to residents.
· It was noted internet use was low. It was not particularly expensive and was being installed in all sheltered accommodation.
· Members noted the joint responsibility for fire safety between Housing and Adult Social Care Departments and asked if there had been any serious incidents involving a fire. It was reported that joint meetings between departments worked well and it was stated within the report that fire safety was a priority issue and was managed successfully. Buildings were fitted with alarms and monitored, fire policies were communicated effectively, and assisted technology helped to ensure people were safe. No serious incidents had occurred.
· It was further noted that changes in legislation and funding had not impacted on sheltered accommodation. Housing wanted closer joint working with Adult Social Care and Tenancy Management to ensure the offer provided was the same across the Board.
The Assistant Mayor for Housing, Councillor Connelly noted it was a opportune time to review what the Council offered in comparison with other providers, and he looked forward to the fuller plans when they were available.
The Chair recommended that:
· any strategic proposals for investment in the sheltered housing stock be brought to a future meeting of the Commission; and
· the outcome of discussion on the management of fire safety in the sheltered housing estate be brought to a future meeting of the Commission.
The Chair thanked the officer for the report.
It was AGREED that:
1. the report be noted
2. any strategic proposals for investment in the sheltered housing stock be brought to a future meeting of the Commission; and
3. the outcome of discussions on the management of fire safety in the sheltered housing estate be brought to a future meeting of the Commission.
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