Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education submits a report to provide the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission with an overview of the consultation exercise currently in progress to replace the existing externally contracted Accommodation Based Housing Support Services, with a community living network based on the ‘key ring’ initiative model of support provided by the Council’s in-house Enablement Service. The Commission is recommended to note the proposed new model of support and consultation exercise and to note a further report will be presented to the Scrutiny Commission detailing the outcome of the consultation exercise.


The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education submitted a report that provided the Commission with an overview of the consultation exercise, currently in progress, to replace the existing externally contracted Accommodation Based Housing Support services with a community living network based on the ‘key ring/ independence’ initiative model of support, which would be provided by the Council’s in-house Enablement service.


Members considered the report and it was noted that the Council’s in-house Enablement service would aim to promote greater independence by, for example, supporting people with a learning disability or a mental health issue to undertake domestic tasks, such as shopping and cooking.


In response to a query regarding the equality impact assessment, Members were advised that information would be brought together when the consultation had concluded.


A member questioned whether there had been a good response to the consultation and heard that a targeted consultation had been carried out and officers had met with a service users and providers in a range of meetings.  The response through on-line consultations had not been large but the number of service users was relatively modest at only approximately 82. The overall take up of the consultation was approximately 70%.


A concern was expressed that people with learning difficulties might not understand what was happening, but Members were reassured that this would not be the case.


The Chair sought assurance that the proposals would make things better for the people involved and would not have a detrimental impact on their well-being. The Director responded that they did not want anyone to deteriorate and it was not in the Council’s interest for this to happen. The Strategic Director added that if staff in the Enablement team had concerns that an individual needed more support, they would talk to their manager, as a formal assessment to consider the need for statutory support might be required.


Assurance was sought that the service users would not get stressed by the changes and Members heard that as part of the consultation, conversations were being held with individuals to ensure that they understood who would be supporting them in future. There would be a robust transition process.


The Chair commended that the proposed changes would provide an opportunity for Registered Social Landlords to revisit the type of tenancies as some of the individuals were long term tenants who were still on licences with no rights.


A reference was made to a question that was raised by Alison from Norton Housing and Support, relating to the TUPE process and a Member asked about the numbers of staff who would transfer to the Council. The Director responded that they did not yet have details about staff who might transfer, but legal advice would be sought should any legal issues arrive.

The Chair drew the discussion to a close and requested a further report. The Director responded that the intention was to bring a report back to the Commission after the consultation had concluded and before any decision was made.



1)    that a further report be brought back to the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission after the consultation period has ended and before any decision is made; and


2)    that the equality impact assessment be sent to Members when it is completed.


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