Agenda item


The Director of Delivery, Communications and Political Governance will provide a verbal update on the Council’s approach and preparations concerning Brexit.



The Director of Delivery, Communications and Political Governance provided a verbal update on the Council’s work in preparation for Brexit.


It was reported that the Council was a key member of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Resilience Partnership’s Forum where preparation and planning for major incidents and emergencies was regularly considered.


In respect of the risk-based aspects of the Forum’s work, it was noted that East Midlands Airport, being the UK’s busiest cargo airport, had been identified as a significant concern.  Although there were no immediate risks for the city, it was noted that travel and transport disruption, impacts on fuel supplies, and the movement of goods and livestock had been assessed.


It was confirmed that the Forum had already established emergency planning policies before the announcement of Brexit and the deadline for the UK leaving the EU.  Details of the command and control processes were described, and the Committee was reminded that the Forum had cause to act several times in the city this year.  The wider structure, involving national regular telephone conference calls and a number of regional level groups was also reported. 


In terms of the situation for the Council internally, the close working arrangements with risk management officers and enhanced use of established risk registers were noted.  It was reported that risks were scored according to likelihood and impact, with mitigation measures being identified.


It was noted that the key risks related to the following areas of activity:


·         Law and legislation.

·         Procurement procedures, including implications on suppliers.

·         Risk on the economy, and impact on the local economy

·         Financial impacts, changes to previous EU funding streams.

·         Workforce changes

·         Associated wider impacts, involving the reliance on partners such as the NHS in providing social care.

·         Community cohesion, advice and support, increased hate crimes.


A draft of the risk assessment was being prepared and would be available early in the New Year following consideration by the Executive.


In response to questions from Committee members, the following issues were reported:


·         It was confirmed that employees had been asked to self-identify if they were EU citizens.  It was considered that a small number of employees may be affected and communication with them concerning the implications had been enhanced.

·         In regard to potential public disorder and attitudes, the Committee reflected on current media attention to Brexit and suggested that certain reports were unhelpful.  The need to reassure citizens that the impacts of Brexit were being properly considered was highlighted.  The important communication work undertaken by the Resilience Partnership in this respect was reported and recognised.

·         It was noted that regular dialogue with the Police, utilising well-established mechanisms was ongoing.  The incidents in the city recently were reiterated to outline this close working arrangement between the Council, Police and other partners.

·         In respect of supplies of medicines, the concerns had been addressed with NHS England and the national framework was clarified.

·         A settlement scheme for EU citizens that were resident had been successfully piloted and it was expected that the scheme would be introduced in the New Year.

·         It was suggested that Members be informed of the implications and/or offered a training session concerning the impact of Brexit once more detail on any agreement or a no-deal Brexit was known.

·         The impact on existing key funding streams was noted, with the existing funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) finances being replaced by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). 


RESOLVED: That the position and update be noted.