Agenda item


The Director of Housing submits a report to update the Housing Scrutiny Commission on Void performance for the first half of 2018/19. Commission Members are asked to note the report.



The Director of Housing submitted a report which updated the Housing Scrutiny Commission on void performance for the first half of 2018/19. The Commission Members were asked to note the report.


Simon Nicholls, Head of Service, presented the report, and provided the following information:


·         It was reported that the voids figure had deteriorated over the year.

·         Rent loss figures for December 2018 were expected to be the same as 2017.

·         Council Tax figures had improved.

·         Ready to let occupation figures were at an all time low (5.2 days).

·         Vacancies in the Repairs Team were similar to the Voids Team – vacancies had been held for apprentices which had impacted on the work that could be completed, but the team was now running at full employment.

·         Asbestos removal had increased by 300%. It was hoped that asbestos removal would be undertaken in a planned way rather than reactive.

·         Severe weather in 2018 had taken the Voids Team and Housing Department some time to recover. Heating and hot water in properties had been a priority.

·         Priority void list were those fleeing domestic violence or harassment, or people with medical needs. The Team tried to turn around those properties quickly, but the number of cases had been consistent at 19 for a time and had been unsustainable. The number of cases had now reduced to normal levels.

·         The Department had no influence on the delays in new fire doors which had to be installed before a tenant could move into a property. Delays had been influenced by manufacturers and more rigorous testing of doors.

·         There had been a slight increase in the poor condition of some of the properties returned – tenants were recharged for damage.

·         City-wide based working had been used to bring down the number of voids. Areas were now working to their own priorities but would be kept under review should the number of voids increase substantially again.

·         Properties were now advertised when they were ready to let.

·         Asbestos removal had a significant impact on voids. The asbestos policy would be reviewed.

·         All asbestos would be removed from Liangs Easiform bungalows when they became void, which would benefit the repairs service in future.

·         New tenants would also be asked if works could be carried out in occupation to enable a tenant to move in sooner rather than wait till all works were complete.

·         A Works Planner had been recruited dedicated to voids.

·         Repair works could now be issued to contractors to help with peaks in voids work.

·         Re-let times had improved since the report was written, and year-end report would be brought to a future meeting of the Housing Scrutiny Commission.


In response to Members’ questions, the following points were made:


·         Work was not halted on an empty property until a tenant was recharged but continued nonetheless. The previous tenant would still be chased for payment. Members asked if the previous tenant could be charged for lost rental income, which the Head of Service would take back as a suggestion.

·         Members took on board the issues around fire regulation and the delay in manufacturers providing fire doors on properties, and also issues around the removal of asbestos, but asked that more focus be given to the issue. They asked for further information on the percentage of money recharged to tenants that was received and how much was written off.

·         Two-thirds of the way lighting programme had been undertaken around the city.

·         When a property went through the letting process, there were minimum letting standards that were required such as the inspection of gas and electric facilities and an assessment of the property based on the home, health and safety rating system, even the position of cookers needed to be taken into consideration to ensure standards were met.


The Chair requested a report on voids by Ward across the city.


The Director of Housing said he shared Members’ passion for getting voids back into the system as quick as possible. He added that asbestos removal had been exceptionally difficult over the year, and the ‘Beast from the East’ had made it necessary to move staff from the Voids Team to deal with boiler issues, and then again to work on leaks. He also noted there were normally 15 apprentices, but over 2018/19 45 apprentices had completed at one time. 40 jobs had been held for the apprentices which was an exception to normal circumstances.


The Chair thanked the officer for the report and looked forward to a further report.


It was AGEEED that:

1.    The report be noted;

2.    A year-end report would be brought to a future meeting of the Commission

3.    Further information on the percentage of money recharged to tenants that was received and how much was written off to be provided to Members;

4.    A report on voids by Ward across the city be brought to the next meeting of the Commission.

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