Agenda item


The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services and the Director of Finance will make a presentation providing an overview of the key areas and services related to the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission.  The Commission is recommended to receive the presentation and use the information to help inform its work programme for the coming municipal year.


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services and the Director of Finance delivered an overview of the key areas and services relating to the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission portfolio.


Members noted the presentation on Neighborhood and Environmental Services and verbal update on the aspects of the Finance Division which related to this Commission. The work areas were noted, which would help them to set the Commission’s Work Programme for the forthcoming year.


Members discussed various portfolio areas which included the following points:


Members praised officers for the swift responses with traveller issues and on illegal sites at hot spots in the city. Members suggested that railings or grass verges/soil bunds could be used to deter unauthorised encampments. Officers confirmed target hardening is used where appropriate. Members were reassured that the Council had robust systems to deal with these issues across the city.


Officers from the service were praised for the work carried out on Melton Road where footways had been cleaned and prompt action had been taken to tackle Pan spitting.


Concerns were raised about anti-social behaviour issues in the city’s parks and when this occurs the impact this can have on families and vulnerable people that use the parks. Members suggested that the Council should explore solutions for this as it was a city-wide problem. The safety of parks was noted and that measures to provide reassurance and to tackle any issues were in place including the employment of parks officers, work with the police if required and use of security as appropriate. Officers asked Members to highlight any particular concerns and they will follow up.


Members reported issues regarding maintenance around the Courtyards on the St Peters and St Matthews Housing Estate and suggested a visit. Officers said they would support and link in with Housing colleagues. 


Members enquired about the use of the Love Leicester app and the impact it had on the service. Officers agreed to provide details to Members. 


Members referred to the CCTV System and the recent £1.2 million investment. A question was asked about the use of and access to mobile CCTV cameras. It was confirmed that the investment included purchase of additional mobile cameras. Camera deployment was supported by a risk-based assessment so that cameras were placed in locations with the most need at the time. It was noted that there tended to be a high demand for cameras sometimes fuelled by the perception of crime or community safety concerns as opposed to actual crime being known to take place in an area.


Members raised questions about the service delivered by Biffa and environmental impacts of waste disposal. Officers confirmed that the City Council had a contract with waste management company, Biffa Leicester, and confirmed the disposal routes available including the recycling of waste and at Gypsum Close Household Waste Recycling Centre the available reuse shop that is run by local charity LOROS. It was noted some waste did go abroad but there were strict regulations governing that, that Biffa Leicester were required to adhere to.


Members discussed littering associated with legal highs and enquired about the Council’s policy to prevent the issue escalating further. It was noted that the Council had introduced a Public Space Protection Order for New Psychoactive Substances and the action available under the PSPO, including the ongoing role of the Police and also use of dispersal orders.


Members were asked to raise any specific ward issues outside of the meeting.


Members noted that the major challenge to services and all Councils was the reduction in funding. However, despite this, good outcomes were being achieved such as reduction in fly tipping and improvements in Food Safety Standards. To further improve the delivery and access to services, Officers were looking at for example, smart technologies to improve customer contact. The Director of Finance advised that customers were encouraged to access services independently and hubs were available in libraries and community centres around the city. Information was available online and Officers agreed to sign post Members and highlight these facilities, so Members can share details with constituents.


Members were informed that the Council were developing plans for consultation in the future for a Selective Licensing scheme in areas where there was a high density of privately rented accommodation. Initially locations such as parts of Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields, Castle, Fosse, Saffron, Stoneygate and Westcotes wards.


Members enquired about business rates and it was noted that the Valuation Office determined this and that the Council were only responsible for billing and collecting the business rates.



1)    That an option of joint working with Housing Scrutiny Commission on “Universal Credit” to be added to the work programme.

2)    That the Director of Finance circulate details of multi hub locations through the Members Bulletin to all members.

3)    That the Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services be requested to progress and action the priorities for the service mentioned in his presentation.


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