Agenda item


Highways officers will give an update on highways issues in the Ward.


Rupert Bedder, Highways Network Asset Manager, gave an update on highways issues across the Ward.  Points included:


·         There were currently gaps in the carriageway on Blackbird Road due to ongoing works.


·         Vernon Street was in need of resurfacing work.  30% would be patched in late August with more treatment next year.  It was hoped that this work would add 10 years to the life of the surface.


·         Measures had been taken to stop people turning left out of Gimson Road.


·         Footway improvement works were in progress on Hinckley Road.


·         Officers were to meet with Councillors in September to discuss issues and priorities regarding highways.


·         Works on Ravensbridge Drive and Blackbird Road were due for completion in mid-November, however, utilities damaged in the course of the works had caused delays.  The objective was to improve the capacity of the junction.


·         The design for the Five-Ways junction was progressing well and was to be shared with Councillors in the Autumn.


·         There would be a drop-in consultation with the local community on plans for the Groby Road bus lane on Wednesday 7 August, 11am-7pm at Woodgate Resources Centre.


·         Railings had been installed around verges on Clifford Street to prevent people parking on the footpath.


·         Bollards were being installed on Hinckley Road between Carlisle Street and Bolton Road.


Concern was raised about speeding on Medina Road.  Mr Bedder assured that such issues would be dealt with in a consultation (separate to the bus lane consultation).


Issues surrounding pollution around Medina Road and Groby Road were brought to the attention of the meeting.  Action: Rupert Bedder to relay to Highways to investigate the possibility of pollution monitoring.


It was enquired as to whether the Five Ways project had taken the plans for a new school into account.  Councillor Waddington relayed that Liz Kendall MP was to call a public meeting to discuss such issues.


In response to a query about cycle lanes either side of the A50, Mr Bedder relayed that this would be looked at in consultation.


Issues surrounding speeding, traffic calming and parking on Tudor Road, Buckminster Road, Hinckley Road and Woodgate were brought to the attention of the meeting.  Action: Rupert Bedder to relay to Highways to investigate options.


Concern was raised about a van-hire business in the Ward who’s parking on Streets was causing inconvenience.  Rupert Bedder recommended that this also be brought to the consultation and assured those present that Traffic Wardens would enforce any restrictions.


It was enquired as to whether trees removed due to the Blackbird Road works would be replaced.  Action: Rupert Bedder to ask designers of the scheme.


It was asked whether the 109 tickets issued to a vehicle would be enforced.  Mr Bedder explained that the car could be towed, but the cost of doing so had to be weighed against the possibility of the fine being paid.


Potholes were reported on Courtenay Road.  Mr Bedder acknowledged that roads were inspected twice a year and that potholes of over 40mm would be fixed.


A complaint was made about a resident that had been ‘reserving’ his parking space with bollards.  Action:  Rupert Bedder to raise this with the Police.