Agenda item


Members of the Commission will receive a presentation setting out the plans and modelling schemes for Extra Care Housing.


The Strategic Director Social Care and Education submitted a presentation setting out the plans and modelling schemes for Extra Care Housing and is attached to the minutes for information.


Tracie Rees, Director Adult Social Care and Commissioning delivered the presentation and the following additional points were made:


·         Introduced in 2014/15, Extra Care had to be put on hold during Government consultation.

·         The two schemes would provide a total of 155 1 and 2 bed apartments and was another option to provide vulnerable people with independence in a supported living environment. The Care Quality Commission were supportive of the approach and design of the buildings.

·         Hamelin Road would be a two-storey building with 75 flats. Planning permission had been approved.

·         Tilling Road would also be a two-storey building with 80 flats and planning permission had also been approved. Both sites would have on-site cafés to encourage the local community to use the buildings.

·         Extra care being developed in the city was different and would be for people over the age of 18 (and not 55).


The Chair said the news was warmly welcomed.


In response to Members’ questions and observations, the following was noted:


·         Places for People Group Ltd. had had mixed reviews but had done some good work to support vulnerable people. . Only those that had adult social care needs would go into the scheme.  The contract monitoring would ensure that that the landlord adhered to good quality care and contractual agreements.

·         Concern was raised over the size of the developments and how the design would safeguard the mixed ages of vulnerable adults. Abbey Mills was given as an example of how a mix of ages, and the care and support provided worked. The size of the development also brought in a community element because of the scale. A landlord managed the site, and care was delivered by a range of providers to the individual service user. Members asked for more detail on how the sites would be managed and support to be provided. Information on onsite care provision would be provided to Commission Members when available.

·         There were mechanisms in place to support individuals to ensure they were not taken advantage of. Residents would also have a tenancy agreement which gave them added security. There had been no incidences at Danbury Gardens or Abbey Mills that had not been brought to the attention of Adult Social Care. It was explained that Danbury Gardens did have a few teething problems at its inception, as would be expected in a development of its size, but it has proved to be a good model of care for the people residing there.

·         Ashley House is a private company and is providing the majority of the finance to develop the two schemes. The housing management would be provided by Places for People and as a Registered Provider it will enable people to claim the higher rate of Housing Benefit.

·         Extra Care stemmed from sheltered housing with additional care and filled the gap between sheltered housing and residential care. Within extra care there was a range of facilities, for example, café, restaurant, cinema, but were dependent on where they were located.

·         The schemes would be monitored 24/7 to support residents that required that level of support.

·         At the time of the original proposal in 2014, public consultation took place around both sites.


The Chair recommended that with the fine example of Danbury Gardens and Abbey Mills, which functioned well and the people who lived there supported, and the local amenities in the area which promoted independence, that Members visit the venues. The Strategic Director Social Care and Education to arrange site visits of the venues if required.



1.    That the presentation be noted.

2.    Information on onsite care provision (management and support) to be provided to the Commission Members when available.

3.    It was recommended that Members visit Danbury Gardens and Abbey Mills – the Strategic Director Social Care and Education to arrange if required.

Supporting documents: