Agenda item


Highways officers will give an update on highways issues in the Ward.



Stuart Maxwell (City Transport Manager) was welcomed to the meeting to provide a highways update.


In reference to actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:


  • The viability of further parking restrictions at Haddenham Road was being investigated, it being noted that some restrictions and ‘keep clears’ were already in place.


  • The installation of pencil bollards would be considered at further locations around schools in the ward, as these were now preferred to the previous child-shaped bollards.


  • The issues concerning the speeding on the dualled sections of Narborough Road had been referred to the Police to enforce.


In terms of further updates, the following points were noted:


  • The Road Safety Partnership cameras at Evesham Road had recently been replaced and updated with digital technology, which also monitored ‘speed on green’ as well as the offence of crossing on red.  The data on offences was being gathered.  It was reported that proposals for safety cameras and mobile cameras could be registered for evaluation or enforcement at:


  • Forthcoming roadworks were announced, with a programme of surface dressing treatments and patching works at various locations in the Ward.


  • Bus lanes were being updated with improved lining and signing.


  • ‘Low Bridge’ signs were proposed for the approaches to the railway bridge. 


  • The design and style of speed humps and speed cushions were debated and explained.  It was noted that motorists often ignored speed cushions as they could avoid the restriction by steering between them, maintaining a high speed.  Problems at Cort crescent were raised and it was recognised that many near-miss incidents had occurred but were not reported, as no collision or injury had resulted.  The introduction of 20mph zones to control speeds around schools and parks were noted as measures that could be considered in future programmes.  The possibility of triggering the need for such measures through petitioning the Council was also noted.


  • Responses to the consultation on proposals in the Draft Local Plan were encouraged.


In response to questions and comments, the following points were noted:


  • Recent works on Narborough Road had resulted in road markings being removed but not replaced, with the left-turn arrow to Meredith Road across the bus lane being provided as an example.


  • Recent resurfacing works had caused problems to residents.  It was considered that the works had been carried out at an inappropriate period when the weather was unusually hot.  This excessive heat had led to the tar and chippings being spread into homes.  The complaint was noted. 


The Chair referred to the need to carefully plan the programme and commented on the poor standard of work of some contractors.  The need to properly resurface Dumbleton Avenue was raised in addition as a particular concern.


  • An opposing and contrary view was raised concerning the height and width of speed humps or cushions used to calm traffic. It was suggested by some residents that considerate drivers did reduce their speed for the lower and narrower measures and that increases in height or severity would lead to damaged vehicles.  It was also stated that the need for emergency services vehicles, particularly ambulances, to be able to travel at consistent speeds without the obstruction of higher or wider speed bumps was also raised and accepted.


  • A problem of the poor surfacing of the cycle and bus lane at Narborough Road adjacent to the KFC was reported and noted.