Agenda item


-           From Members of the Public

-           From Councillors


The following questions were asked by members of the public and Councillors and details of who responded are included below. The full details of questions and the responses can be viewed on the webcast of the meeting on the Council’s website at:


We maintain a comprehensive library of webcast Council meetings. The webcast for this meeting will remain on the live website until 3rd October 2020, and after this date can be requested from the Democratic Support Team by contacting (0116) 454 6350 or at


For your convenience, links to each question and response are embedded after each question below.


Questions from Members of the Public


1.      Mr Derek Aldridge:-


“Why can the City Mayor sell properties at £1 when they could have either been knocked down and used the land for building houses or flats, or to sell the land to a developer with planning permission?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 1


2.    Miss Sarah Corrall:-


“Is it right that young persons should be excluded from participating in sporting activity at a Council run facility because the parents cannot afford to pay by direct debit and can only afford weekly payments”


The questioner wasn’t in attendance. A written response to be sent.


3.    Ms Kriss Fearon (on behalf of Mr Kaiser Nabola):-


“I understand the Waterside School project has been stalled for a long time. At the moment me and many others in my ward are wondering what is going on. Could you give me some ideas as to what is going on by providing me a response to the points below, so I can share with others who are feeling the same way as me.


1.         When will the school be built?

2.         How large will it be?

3.         When will it be completed and opened?

4.         When will you know?

5.         What is the catchment area?

6.         Who is going to be consulted?

7.         What happens now with Slater and Fosse Schools?

8.         How has the need changed - is this demographic or

            economic change?

9.         What are you going to do with the land instead?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 3


4.         Ms Kriss Fearon:-


“I understand that the new school might not go ahead now. Could you explain the reasons for this, and tell me what is going to happen to support Fosse and Slater schools which are struggling for space? Could you also tell me what is going to be done with the land?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 4


5.         Mr William Harding:-


“Knowing that the council seems unwilling to build the school due to cost what is being done to try and find ways to build the school without letting the site be used as an Academy?


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 5


Questions from Councillors


1.         Councillor March: -


“I’m proud that this city voted to remain in the EU referendum and that our recent manifesto committed to protecting the rights of EU nationals living in Leicester. We said “it is more important than ever that the city of Leicester continues to provide everyone who lives here with a city they can call home.” However, given the rapidly challenging situation now for all of us, my question is about Brexit and the planning the city council is undertaking. I am keen to understand:

a)     How are we supporting European citizens from all backgrounds to apply for settled status;

b)     How will we mediate the impact on adult social care services given that around 12% of the workforce are EU nationals?

c)      What are we doing in the light of potential food shortages for children receiving school meals or any vulnerable people forced to rely on food bank? And

d)     If we predict any medication shortages, particularly in areas of the city with higher levels of ill health, for example diabetes, and what, if anything, are we able to do about this?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 1


2.         Councillor Barton:-


“I’m sure the City Mayor and all my colleagues are as dismayed as I am by the collapse of the travel business Thomas Cook and will join with me on commiserating with those who have lost their jobs, holidays and those workers and business owners around the world who may not be paid. For us in Leicester, Thomas Cook and Son, the business, and Thomas Cook, the man, are part of the city and county’s history and heritage. The Thomas Cook Archive at the Peterborough HQ has been closed to the public and the archivist gone since June. Can I ask the City Mayor to support the bringing of the Thomas Cook Archive to Leicester, its natural home?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 2


3.         Councillor Cole:-


“In light of the disaster that is Brexit and the disastrous place the Conservative Government has brought the country to where we have European residents in the Western Ward fearing what is going to happen to them Brexit or no Brexit, can the City Mayor give an unequivocal assurance to our European friends that the city Council will be there for them come what may?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 3


4.         Councillor Cole:-


“In light of the recent spending plans announced by the Chancellor of the exchequer can we assume that austerity is over? And if not why not?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 4


5.         Councillor Cole:-


“As many may be aware October is Black History Month each year, can the City Mayor say what is the Council as an organization doing to recognise and celebrate Black History month?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 5


6.         Councillor Aldred:-


“Do Councillor’s agree that when an academy renames a school, eg Willowbrook to Willow Mead, they are essentially eroding the historical and geographical connections to the community they sit within?  What can the City Council do to influence the academy and avoid a name change in the first place and what can the Council do to ensure this doesn’t happen to any other City Schools that convert to an academy?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 6


7.         Councillor Dawood:-


“I would like to congratulate our Empty Homes team on its successes so far.  However, it would be helpful if the lead member for Housing was able to provide figures on how many houses have been bought into use over the last four years.”


Assistant City Mayor, Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


Link to webcast of question 7


8.         Councillor Dawood:-


“As a result of knife crime, another young man has lost his life which now totals two for St Matthews estate. Could the relevant lead member advise as to what measures and approaches are being taken from a Public Health perspective to address this major concern.”


Deputy City Mayor, Councillor Clair replied.


Link to webcast of question 8


9.         Councillor Dawood:-


“With reference to the alarming levels of obesity in children locally and nationally. Could the Assistant Mayor responsible advise as to how much public health policy is taken into account when planning applications are received for fast food outlets.”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clair to reply.


Link to webcast of question 9


10.       Councillor Dawood:-


“Could the Assistant City Mayor for Children advise as to how many children have been placed out of the city and what measures are there to protect those children from criminal exploitation and the issue of County Lines.”


Deputy City Mayor, Councillor Russell replied.


Link to webcast of question 10


11.       Councillor Dawood:-


“Would the City Mayor agree that individuals in positions of power, use language in a manner that is responsible and as a result avoids tensions or divisions in communities.”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 11


12        Councillor Aldred:-


“Families across the city struggled to feed their children through the school holiday and Leicester City Council and Fair Share got together with volunteers and helped to ease this by putting on holiday hunger. Now we are expecting these same families to find money for new logo uniforms due to the academy changing the names of these schools causing more hardship on top of this government's austerity”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 12