The Director of Housing submits a report for information to update Members of the Commission on the current situation regarding the demolition of Goscote House and the installation of sprinklers in the four remaining tower blocks.
The Director of Housing submitted a report for information to update Members of the Commission on the current situation regarding the demolition of Goscote House and the installation of sprinklers in the four remaining tower blocks.
Simon Nicholls, Head of Service, presented the report, and the following information was highlighted:
· The original plan had been to refurbish Goscote House but a full structural survey confirmed the main elements of the block were at the end of their economic life, and the decision was taken on 8th January 2018 to demolish the block and redevelop the site for new affordable housing.
· Consultants recommended the block be deconstructed due to the constrained site. It was anticipated demolition would start in Summer 2020 and take approximately 22 months.
· Sprinklers have been installed in Maxfield House prior to tenants moving back in.
· A specialist fire consultant was appointed to help with specification and officers had worked closely with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue to ensure they were happy with proposals.
· Large tanks had been fitted in the plant room to ensure pipes were full of water should a sprinkler head be activated.
· Sprinkler heads were activated at a certain temperature, and there had been no false activations to date. Tenants have received a guide to the sprinklers.
· The next challenge would be installing sprinkler systems in the remaining tower block flats with tenants in situ.
In response to Members questions the following points were noted:
· The decision had been made after detailed investigations and a report by specialists could not guarantee the building beyond a five-year review period.
At this point in the meeting Councillor Gee arrived at the meeting.
· Reference was made in the report to possible contingencies relating to the demolition of Goscote House. As part of the process surveys would be required on asbestos removal, scaffolding and crane with licence to overswing other buildings in the area, among other matters to be taken into consideration. The process being followed for Goscote House demolition was very robust and would impact on the final contingencies figure.
· Members asked that Ward Councillors be kept informed and that the local community was consulted on options being considered for the redevelopment.
· Members queried the £3million stated for demolition as being under budget and a more realistic figure needed to be provided. Officers reported that the figure could change and was based on previous similar demolitions and soft market testing. It was noted that on any site, issues would be different, but would ensure that final figures would be robust. The Assistant Mayor noted that it was fair to be cautious about the figure of £3million and would be challenging it.
· The building was not considered a dangerous structure, but its extended lifetime could not be guaranteed. Risk assessments were being undertaken so no decisions had yet been made to relocate anyone in the vicinity of the tower during demolition. Deconstruction would be top-down, and if a considered too great a risk, local consultations would be conducted.
· Pollution and dust were raised as an issue, but the Commission was told specialists would undertake the demolition professionally and competently.
The Chair welcomed the report and spoke on behalf of the Commission who supported the sprinkler project and the recent report from the Grenfell Inquiry.
1. The report be noted.
2. Once the building was decommissioned a report on the future site development be brought to the Commission.
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