Agenda item


Councillors will provide an update on ward related matters.


·         Case work had mostly been around housing issues and landlords. Case work picked up on a patch walk included issues with drug taking.

·         A patchwalk took place at Cedar Park with the City Mayor, and issues were highlighted with regards to anti-social behaviour. It was hoped the park could be redesigned to make it more family friendly to use.

·         A women’s group was in the process of being set up for those affected by isolation due to language barriers, new to area, and were working with Medway School to find a regular venue.

·         A recent meeting was held to talk about safety, drug dealing in the area, and highlighted key indicators regarding children being targeted.

·         Property and legal teams were finalising legal agreements for the proposed development on Conduit Street, relating to the transfer of land and the payment for improvements to Prebend Gardens. Works would commence in the New year, followed by tree planting.

·         A patchwalk starting on St James Road and Upper Tichborne Street with local residents, city council officers and police had identified issues. CCTV was being considered for St James Road, as drug use mainly in the evening was prevalent. It was also reported that trespassers were using 18-20 St James Road, and non-residents were sitting outside flats at No. 15. Residents had set up a neighbourhood watch scheme, and police were more visible in the area. Residents were encouraged to report issues using phone number 101.

·         On Evington Road, street drinkers sat outside No. 67. Bus companies would be contacted to change the style of seats in the bus shelter to perches rather than people sitting there for long periods.

·         On St Stephens Road, bollards had been installed to stop vehicles mounting the pavement near to the old bank.

·         Investment was being looked into for a shop improvement scheme in the area.

·         Highways had been contacted with regards to making Bartholomew Street and Myrtle Road one way to increase parking on both sides. Residents requested methods to slow down cars be looked into.

·         There were issues around the suggestion of opening the top of Upper Tichborne Street at St Stephens Road for access. The Police have suggested that it was better to catch people drug dealing in the area.

·         The woodland and trees department would be contacted with regards to trees near Medway Community Primary School.

·         Fly tipping issues on Skipworth Street had been resolved.

·         Gates had been installed to secure 65 Upper Tichborne Street.

·         The City Council was looking at options to gain control of Hospital Close housing at Leicester General Hospital. £450m had been committed to the three hospital sites, so the hospital would maintain some function as a hospital.

·         It was reported one-way systems were being looked into on Rowsley Street and Sawley Street.

·         A residents parking scheme was approved for Herschell Street. The scheme had previously been to Planning Committee as there was an objection from other residents who wanted the scheme extending. A broader scheme would be looked at along Evington Road.

·         Residents asked for traffic calming measures along St James Road as the 20mph was not being observed.


Residents stated that drug taking on St James Road took place anywhere from the jitty, footpaths and houses, and rather than increase police activity, some of the owners needed to take responsibility and report issues directly to estate agents who were housing drug dealers. It was suggested a leafleting campaign be organised to put pressure on landlords, and report issues to the council and police. It was further suggested that a more direct push from the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme could be made with partners by writing to house / flat owners.


Residents asked if the building on Lower Hill Street could be turned into social housing and were informed the building was leased to the DSS and would have to be compulsory purchased, which was not always possible.