Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Social Care and Education, submits a report to the Commission which provides an update on the review of Voluntary and Community Sector non-statutory services funded by Adult Social Care in 2018. The Independent Living Supported Housing services was also reviewed at the same time and the outcome of the review is included in the report.


The Commission is recommended to note the report and provide feedback and comments to the Strategic Director, Social Care and Education and to the Executive.



The Strategic Director, Social Care and Education, submitted a report to the Commission which provided an update on the review of Voluntary and Community Sector services funded by Adult Social Care in 2018, and the outcome of the review of the Independent Living Supported Housing services. Members were recommended to note the report and provide feedback and comments to the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education.


Councillor Russell, Deputy City Mayor, Social Care and Anti-Poverty introduced the report. Kate Galoppi (Head of Commissioning) and Caroline Ryan (Lead Commissioner) informed the meeting that the review had now concluded, and a revised new service offer was outlined at Appendix A to the report. In response to Members’ questions, the following points were made:


·         Members asked what the knock-on impact was for people following a reduction in Independent Living Support (ILS) Supported Housing Service support hours, and if it changed the viability of the new supported housing being built. It was reported that new developments were not linked to the achieved savings. It was further noted the Supporting People funding stream had ended eight years previously, and there were people in housing developments that had some care needs but did not require supported housing. The Council had looked at the Norton Housing & Support and Creative Support contract to see what it was delivering and how it was set up. The result of the review had improved arrangements and support for those individuals in receipt.

·         Members noted that more independent living schemes were being built and would a reduction in support affect those eligible to move in. Members were informed the support contract was separate from the building contracts and was unlikely to affect those in need of support.

·         Spending on the carers support service was reduced by £100k through the rationalisation of five separate contracts into one to create a ‘carers’ hub’. This means that it is a more efficient use of funding, covers a wider range of groups of carers and clearer for carers to know where to go for support.

·         Information, Advice and Guidance was noted as £0 budget. Members were informed the service had been scoped into the corporate welfare services and was no longer provided by Adult Social Care, but under one service with welfare advice and citizens’ advice. It was stated that service users would not see any difference for generalised advice and guidance. ASC response teams would still deal with every contact first before referring people to welfare advice services if this was considered to be helpful.

·         It was noted the lunch club funding was gradually being reduced, coming to an end in January 2022. Members were informed contracts officers were in contact with the clubs to see how they are managing the reductions. In addition, a workshop had been held for the clubs to give them advice and provide sources of support to become self-sustaining. It was further noted that Voluntary Action Leicester were assisting to provide advice on other areas of funding, or alternatives, for example, asking for contributions from attendees, or holding more affordable activities such as coffee mornings.


It was noted the new Service User Participation Services had commenced July 2019. The Chair asked that the Commission receive a future report on the impact and progress of the new service.



1.    That the report and comments made by Scrutiny Commission Members be noted.

2.    Scrutiny to receive a future report on the impact and progress of the new Service User Participation Service.


Questions from a member of the public present at the meeting would be responded to by officers following the meeting as they had not been submitted in accordance with the Council’s Constitution Rule 10, Part 1(a) Scrutiny Procedure Rules.

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