Agenda item


The Action Log for the last meeting, held on 12 November 2019, is attached for information and discussion


Councillor Cank in the Chair

The Action Log from the meeting held on 12 November 2019 was agreed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments (new wording in italics):

a)     The last bullet point under item 14, “Action Log of Previous Meeting”, being mended to read “… when the car park at the Life Abundant Pentecostal St Theodore’s Church reached capacity …”;

b)     The last sentence of the last bullet point under item 14, “Action Log of Previous Meeting”, being mended to read “… had led to the owners’ landlord’s unwillingness …”;

c)      The first line of the first main bullet point under item 17, “Highways Issues”, being amended to read “Double yellow lines had been added at Wood Green Road had been added to the list of suggestions for the installation of double yellow lines in the vicinity of the shops …”

d)     The seventh main bullet point under item 17, “Highways Issues”, being amended to read “… brought in at for the Barkby Thorpe Road area.  This may be extended as newly-built streets are adopted.”; and

e)     The second line of the ninth main bullet point under item 17, “Highways Issues”, being amended to read “… Gypsy Lane from Victoria Park Road East …”.


All to note:

Item 14, “Action Log of Previous Meeting”

·           Good quality noticeboards had been erected on the Towers Recreation Ground, and on the main footpath at the back of Sandfields School;

·           Fly-tipping was still a problem on Victoria Road East and on the Towers Recreation Ground.  Ward Councillors had asked for something to be done to address the problems being caused by vermin attracted by the fly-tipping and it was hoped that discussions could be held with the owners of Grosvenor Court to increase the size of refuse bins provided; and

·           Goalposts had been erected on the Craven Recreation Ground, but the pitches had not been marked out.  This could be due to the bad weather experienced recently.

Item 15, “Ward Councillors’ Feedback”

·           Bollards had been installed in Hampden Road, but problems with inconsiderate parking were still being experienced.


All invited to contact the Ward Councillors or the Ward and Community Engagement Officer to have items displayed on the new noticeboards.

Ward Councillors to approach St Theodore’s Church to see if the car park at the church can be used by people dropping off and picking up children from Sandfields Close Primary School.  The landlord at the Three Kilns also to be approached to see if the car park at the pub can be used for the same purpose.  If the pub car park can be used, Ward Councillors and Ward and Community Engagement Officer to consider whether funding should be made available from the Ward Community Budget to provide a sign indicating that people parked there at their own risk.

Councillor Cank left the meeting


Councillor Joel in the Chair

All to note:

Item 15, “Ward Councillors’ Feedback”

·           The junction of Fairfax Road / Naseby Road is on the list of sites to be considered as possible locations for the installation of bollards next year;

·           No residents’ parking schemes currently are planned for the Cromwell estate; and

·           From March 2020, a new government scheme will provide funding for high speed internet access to new build properties that meet the relevant criteria. 


Ward Councillors to liaise with Highways officers to see if a residents’ parking scheme for the Harrison Road area can be supported.

Supporting documents: