Agenda item


An officer from Housing will attend to provide an update including an update on the Velodrome development.


Neighbourhood Housing Team Leader Paul Lewis reported on housing issues in the ward.  Points concerning the Local Plan included:


·         It was intended to build 38 new Leicester City Council homes on the Velodrome site.  A full planning application had been submitted and it was hoped that consent would be obtained in Autumn 2020 to start work in 2021.

·         Other sites considered for development included:

o   The Mud Dumps at the back of Neston Gardens.

o   The playing field near the Kingfisher Centre.

o   The Green area on Meadow Gardens.

·         As part of the local plan, Council Officers had reviewed sites looking at environmental issues.

·         The Mud Dumps was seen as a suitable site for 41 dwellings.

·         The Kingfisher site would potentially be suitable but would mean the loss of the playing field.  In which case alternative open space provision would be explored.

·         There would be a consultation on the Local Plan aimed to commence in mid-to-late March.  Following the consultation, the Council would decide on the next phase which would be another consultation to see if the plan could pass legal and other tests to see if it could be adopted.


Other points included:


·         Approval had been given to install drying areas in Neston Gardens.

·         Bin stores were to be constructed externally on Neston Gardens and Havelock Street, aimed at reducing the risk of fire.

·         There was a plan to redevelop the path to the block of flats at the back of Saffron Lane as it had been very neglected.

·         New housing officers were being recruited and it was hoped that there would be a permanent housing officer for the area.  Paul Lewis would inform residents who this officer was once they were appointed.


Concern was raised about the feasibility of getting roads into the planned development areas, and particular concern was raised about the potential loss of the Kingfisher playing fields and centre.  Action: Councillors to arrange a meeting to look at the Local Plan and engage with the concerns of residents.


Councillor Cutkelvin encouraged those with concerns to take part in the consultation and make their concerns known in the early stage when they would be most effective.


There would be a Local Plan brief with Aylestone Park Residents group on 14 May 2020.  Councillor Cutkelvin emphasised the importance of capturing the voices of both Saffron and Aylestone Park on the issue.


A resident reported an area on the corner of Jarrom Street and Havelock Street where telephone boxes had been severely littered.  She further suggested making the area into a small garden in the style of the one on the corner of Walnut Street and Welford Road near the Tigers Stadium.  Action: Councillors to report litter to City Warden and consider options regarding the suggestion to create a garden.


A resident asked whether the plans for the Velodrome had gone to the Planning and Development Control Committee and whether it was on the website.  Action: Councillor Cutkelvin to consult with the Head of Planning.


It was asked whether residents would be consulted prior to the planning application.  Paul Lewis responded that they would be notified as part of the formal application.


A resident reported a dilapidated path on Neston Gardens and pot-holes in the car park.  Action: Paul Lewis to follow up.