Agenda item



Ward: Abbey

Proposal: Change of use of part of car park to car wash; construction of single storey detached building; construction of canopy; installation of security camera; installation of floodlights; alterations (Sui Generis)

Applicant: Waves Valeting Services Ltd


The Planning Officer presented the report and drew Members’ attention to the supplementary report, which updated the Committee on further advice received from the Council’s Noise Team about the noise report.


Members considered the report and officers responded to the comments and queries raised.


In considering the hours of operation of the car wash, the Committee noted that the applicant had indicated that these would be 8.30 am – 17.30 pm Monday to Saturday and 10.00 am – 16.00 pm on Sundays.  To protect the amenity of residents in the vicinity of the car wash, it was suggested that, if the planning application was approved, these proposals could be reinforced by a condition.


The Chair moved that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation, plus an additional condition restricting the hours of operation of the car wash to between the hours of 07.30 am and 18.00 pm.  This was seconded by Councillor Aldred and, upon being put to the vote, the motion to approve was CARRIED.



that the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out below:




1.           The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)


2.           The use shall not be carried on outside the hours of 07.30 to 18.00 daily. (In the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan.)


3.           Provision shall be made before the development is brought into use for surface water drainage from the car park to pass through a petrol/oil interceptor and shall be retained as such, details of which shall be agreed in writing with the City Council as local planning authority. (To minimise the risk of pollution of drains and watercourses and in accordance with Policy CS02 of Core Strategy)


4.           Any above-ground chemical tanks shall be bunded, in accordance with details to be agreed in writing with the City Council as local planning authority, before they are brought into use. (To prevent pollution in accordance with Policy CS02 of the Core Strategy)


5.           No machinery shall be installed or operated nor shall any processes be undertaken which are detrimental to the amenity of the area by reason of noise or pollution (In the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with policy PS10 and PS11 of the City of Leicester Local Plan.)


6.           This consent shall relate solely to the submitted plans ref. no. LE4 5NU - PL-003, LE4 5NU - PL-004, LE4 5NU - PL-005a, LE4 5NU - PL-006 and LE4 5NU - PL-006a received by the City Council as local planning authority on 12/11/2019. (For the avoidance of doubt.)




1.           The City Council, as local planning authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material planning considerations, including planning policies and representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission with appropriate conditions taking account of those material considerations in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development as set out in the NPPF 2019.

Supporting documents: