Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report setting out objections received to proposals to implement waiting and loading restrictions along multiple roads, lift the one-way order on part of Commercial Square, and prohibit U turns at the new junction with Aylestone Road.  The Committee is recommended to consider the report and pass its views to the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation to take into account when considering whether or not to make the proposed traffic regulation order.


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submitted a report setting out objections received to proposals to implement waiting and loading restrictions along multiple roads, lift the one-way order on part of Commercial Square, and prohibit U turns at the new junction with Aylestone Road.


The Major Transport Projects Manager outlined the proposals, noting that a primary concern for those objecting to the making of the Order was the loss of parking.  The displacement of this parked traffic was a disappointing aspect of this Order, but this was overridden by the need for road safety and for traffic to be able to flow appropriately along this link road between two A class roads.


Other objections related to the nature of the scheme, but the Major Transport Projects Manager reminded Members that the scheme had already been through an extensive scrutiny process and a decision made to proceed with it.  It now was at implementation stage, so the report before the Committee related to traffic management, not the principles of the scheme.  Members also were reminded that they were not taking the decision on whether the Order should be made, but were being consulted on the proposal.  Any views expressed by this Committee would be considered by the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation and taken into account when he decided whether to make the Order.


Councillor Kitterick, as Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee and expressed concerns that the changes proposed would have no discernible benefits.  For example, two bus lanes would be removed and no cycle lanes were being added, even though the road would be busier than it was at present, which also would place pedestrians in danger.  Particular problems for pedestrians would be encountered at the three junctions and delivery vehicles would block the route when parked, causing congestion in the road.  Councillor Kitterick also expressed concern that the modelling done for the scheme was inadequate, so did not show the full extent of the situation.


The Committee considered the proposals presented and questioned why no facilities for pedestrians to cross Putney Road had been included.  In response, the Major Transport Projects Manager noted that controlled pedestrian crossing points would be provided at the main junctions and at the junction with Commercial Square.  Unfortunately, land outside a business along Putney Road was in private ownership, so it was not possible to have a footway on the northern side of the road.  This meant that all pedestrian facilities had to be concentrated on the southern side, along with links to the proposed segregated cycle way.


In response to a question from the Committee, the Major Transport Projects Manager confirmed that the prohibition of U turns at the new junction of Putney Road and Aylestone Road was a standard safety feature at a signal-controlled junction.



That the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation be asked to note when considering whether or not to make the proposed Traffic Regulation Order that this Committee is, on the whole, supportive of the proposals to implement waiting and loading restrictions along multiple roads, lift the one-way order on part of Commercial Square, and prohibit U turns at the new junction with Aylestone Road, but asks that the issues recorded above be re-examined to ensure that the proposals made are the most appropriate for this scheme.

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