Agenda item


A verbal update will be given at the meeting on the current situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Committee is recommended to receive the update and comment as wished.


The City Mayor was invited to open the item and he referred to the ongoing issues affecting the current situation and commented on the importance that Committee members had the opportunity to contribute.


Directors provided updates as follows:


a) Public Health


The Director of Public Health began the update indicating that the numbers of cases in the city had been in decline, from a high of 725 per 100,000 the current figure was at 296 cases per 100,000.  The figures relating to key markers including the rates for the over 65s were also reported and it was noted that these had also shown a significant drop in cases.


In terms of testing it was reported that community testing continued and a revision to the methods and areas following a revaluation of the tiers would be introduced in due course. 


In respect of the vaccination programme it was noted that the main responsibility was in the remit of the NHS and the Council acted as a supporting partner.  The positive announcements concerning vaccinations had been welcomed.


b) Social Care and Education


The Strategic Director Social Care and Education provided an update in terms of the areas of social care and schools.


It was noted that schools had experienced a low rate of positive tests, at around 1.5%, relating to approximately 400 pupils, alongside 150 staff testing positive.  It was reported that this had resulted in around three quarters of pupils attending school regularly.  The current statistical information compared favourably to other neighbouring and similar sized authorities.


c)  Housing


The Director of Housing provided an update on the continuing work with partners, involving ongoing outreach work with the homeless.  The initiative to increase support and the positive ambition to offer secure solutions was welcomed.


d) Neighbourhood and Environmental Services


The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services provided an update and commented on the continued liaison and enhanced partnership working relationships, particularly with the Police.


e) Finance


The Director of Finance provided an update and reported on the opportunity for businesses to apply for support.  A communication had been sent to members in respect of this scheme and details were included on the Council’s website.


In regard to the test and trace it was confirmed that there were adequate capacity and resources to continue local pilot tracing.  The community languages service was involved to ensure that up to date advice could be given correctly.


Details of packages of support for those in hardship were described, which included financial support for food and fuel payments.


f) Communications and Business Support


The Director of Delivery, Communications and Political Governance provided an update and referred to the business continuity response, where it was considered that the operation had been successful, and the organisation had reacted well in terms of resilience.


It was noted that a significant number of employees continued to work from home.


In terms of the communication strategy, the importance of the messages concerning future roll-out of any vaccination programmes was recognised.


The Chair thanked Directors for their updates.


Reference was made to the encouraging news concerning the reduction in figures.


Following earlier frustrations expressed in respect of the delays in receiving local tracing information.  It was noted that data could now be received in a short timeframe, and that the previous 6 days of delays were no longer an issue.  It had been considered that the delays did not allow individuals to isolate and this could cause risks to family, friends and/or colleagues.  The update was welcomed.


The Chair asked for questions and contributions from Committee members.


In response to questions the following key points were noted:


·         It was expected that the city would be placed in Tier 3 as the profile of the city’s positive cases was 14th highest in the country.


·         Self-test kits and lateral devices would be made available and would be offered to front line staff and care homes.  It was expected that testing kits would allow for increased visiting at care homes.


The separate rapid-flow testing methods undertaken by the UHL and LPT through GP surgeries was explained and noted.


·         Information on the NHS roll-out of the vaccination programme would be shared with members as promptly as possible, including regular updates.


·         The business support grants system was noted with the eligibility of work-related benefits for positive tests and associated self-isolation leading to approximately £148,000 of payments being made to date.  There was increasing pressure to evaluate the eligibility of the scheme.  It was also considered that definitions during lockdown required clarification.  The Director of Finance asked that any individual or complex cases could be forwarded to her for a response.


·         The difficulties and constraints in accurately recording numbers, locations and timings of the distribution of lateral flow tests was accepted and recognised.


·         The rate of mortality including the numbers of deaths recorded in hospitals was noted and it was suggested that a comparison to other areas of the country be provided to members.


In conclusion the Chair, Committee members and City Mayor reiterated their previous comments made in recognition and support of the professional attitudes, adaptability and reaction of the Council’s staff in dealing with the pandemic.


AGREED: That the position and updates be noted.