Agenda item


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services submits a report and presentation on the Procurement of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Services for Leicester.


Members of the Commission are recommended to consider the proposed procurement of domestic and sexual violence and abuse services for Leicester and pass comments to the Director of Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services.


The Director for Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services submitted a report on the re-procurement of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Services.


The Deputy City Mayor for Social Care and Anti-Poverty introduced the item and the Team Manager for Domestic and Social Abuse delivered the presentation.


As part of the discussions Members of the Commission thanked the Officers for a detailed presentation and the excellent work that was being delivered. Members felt that families from an Asian background were reluctant in coming forward and reporting as a result of various barriers. It was noted that this was an area the service was aware of and work had been carried out in breaking down barriers.


Members of the Commission suggested that Ward Councillors be kept informed of the ongoing work to help spread the message further and further improve the service with local knowledge. It was noted that the idea of a newsletter and other ways of communication was currently being explored.


Members of the Commission questioned on whether the on going lockdown restrictions had an impact on the number of reports. It was suggested that the numbers fluctuated, and there was ongoing analysis to understand the impact.


 It was noted that both men and women suffer from domestic violence and/or sexual abuse and the service had reports from both sexes. Although counselling was not a core element for the plan, going forward the service was developing further with the support of its external partners.


Members of the Commission noted that there had been a decrease in numbers and queried whether this was related to the new lockdown restrictions. It was noted that the new lockdown could have an impact on the reporting of incidents, but the service was providing information through foodbanks and vaccination centres. This would help keep friends and families of individuals informed on the signs to be aware of.


The Chair was concerned with those victims that would have language barriers and would not know of the support that was available and could potentially go un-noticed. It was noted that the material that the service produced was in many different languages that are spoken across the city and that the staff and volunteers were also form a wide demographic such as that of the residents in the city as this helped the service in providing a service that is effective and well received in Leicester.



Officers suggested that it would support the services if the Members of the Commission shared the information using their platforms in their local communities and with their constituents.


Members noted that the Forced Marriage Unit had previously delivered events across the city to help raise awareness that were beneficial and well received. It was suggested that it would be more effective to deliver similar sessions to encourage victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse to come forward.


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Environmental Services thanked the Members of the Commission for their support.



1)    That the Commission confirms that this is an important area of work and continue to provide these vital services.

2)    That the service be requested to continue communications with local Councillors to further develop the service.

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