Agenda item


The Director of Finance submits the draft Capital Programme 2021/22, which will be considered at the meeting of Council on 17 February 2021. The Overview Select Committee is recommended to consider the draft Capital Programme and pass its comments on it to the meeting of Council on 17 February for consideration.


The Director of Finance submitted the draft Capital Programme 2021/22, which would be considered at the meeting of Council on 17 February 2021. The Overview Select Committee was recommended to consider the draft Capital Programme and pass its comments on to the meeting of Council.


The Director of Finance presented the report and informed the meeting it was the smallest capital programme seen for some time. A recommendation had been made to the City Mayor to propose a one year programme, and to focus on the schemes within the programme that were usually done as annual schemes and programmes as it was not known at this stage what would need to be done to stimulate the economy and recover.


It was also reported that recent monitoring reports had reported significant slippage on the previous large programme.  It was noted there were many schemes that would continue to be delivered, including the significant housing programme.


As in the previous year, key priority themes were outlined in the report, and whether they were immediate starts or policy provisions that would come through for further decisions in due course.


The City Mayor stated that although there was considerable slippage during 2020/21, where there had been significant delays there were some additional costs that were comparatively modest. He added there were exciting things in the programme that as soon as Covid allowed, he was determined to deliver along with important things contained in the manifesto.


Members raised observations on the report and asked questions to which responses were given:


·         The £300k to continue to the flood strategy was raised at the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission and highlighted the increase in heavy rainfalls and subsequent increase in flooding in areas of the Leicester, Leicestershire and other regions of the country. The flood investment £300k funding was predominantly for the Flood Plan and the work the Flood Team undertook. Significant flood schemes were the responsibility of the Environment Agency and Severn Trent. When considering the draft capital programme the City Mayor had asked for further information on the leverage funding, and a piece of work would be undertaken during 2021/22.

·         £1.44million had been approved for works on De Montfort Hall. It was noted the building needed further investment and could not be allowed to decay.

·         The fleet replacement programme was planned at £3million. Investment in the fleet had not been in the capital budget for two to three years, and the programme of replacement was significantly smaller and cheaper than it had been previously. The age of vehicles had been extended and it had come to the point where it was costing more money in repairs to vehicles and hiring vehicles than it would to replace them.  Funded technically through the Revenue Budget and HRA it appeared in the Capital Programme as buying the number of vehicles expected was classed as capital expenditure. Only vehicles were replaced if absolutely necessary, and an electrified and low emission fleet remains a priority. Replaced vehicles were sent to auction to be disposed of.

·         £270k was included in the work programme for heritage panels around the city. The panels would raise awareness of the city’s 2,000-year history, both for visitors and residents.


The Chair thanked the Director of Finance and the City Mayor.




1.    The report and comments from Members of the Overview Select Committee be noted and passed to the meeting of Council on 17 February 2021.

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