Agenda item


The Director of Tourism, Culture, and Inward Investment will present a verbal update on the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on Tourism, Culture, and Inward Investment Services.


The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment provided an update to the Commission on the impact of Covid19, and the roadmap to unlocking Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment Services in the City. It was noted that:


·         The pandemic had a major impact on tourism as it had across the country. In terms of hotels and the accommodation sector, it had been hit particularly hard and had also affected a lot of new hotels in the city.

·         Attractions such as the Space Centre had suffered, and though some recovery funds have been able to offset income loss, it was known that their reserves had been hit hard by the pandemic, but were still in place would continue to operate.

·         Similarly, attractions such as the Great Central Railway had also had a big hit on their finances but were looking forward to reopening.

·         The King Richard III Centre had moved in-house to the Council in November / December 2019. Had they still been operated by an independent trust with very limited financial resources, it would have been a real difficult situation for them, but because they were now in-house has given them a degree of protection.

·         The cultural sector had been hit hard. Pointed out, though, was some of the innovation seen during the pandemic, particularly from Curve in terms of its digital streaming offer, which had been some of the best in the country. In spite of all the difficulties, Curve’s reputation had in some ways improved as a consequence of what they had been able to do.

·         Reported before was how innovative some of the festival organisers had been in terms of creating meaningful online content. They were looking forward to going back to public events, but believed digital innovation would continue with more hybrid events in the future.

·         With regards to Inward Investment, some interest had slowed during the pandemic, but the team was busier than ever, with an encouraging continued level of interest from investors in the city, both new investors and existing businesses who are seeking new space to expand into.

·         How the office sector was going to emerge from the pandemic was a matter of great debate and conjecture. It was believed the sector would see a flight to better quality office space, with fewer people. Being brought to the market was the Gresham Works scheme, which would be open for business in September 2021.

·         The was to open the city’s museums, King Richard III Centre and Visit Leicester on 21 June, subject to the Government’s roadmap for unlocking through the different stages.

·         There were over 30 front-facing colleagues temporarily redeployed working on the City Reach Covid testing programme. The Museums service were working with the team organising the City Reach programmes to release employees back to enable the reopening of museums.

·         There would be a programme for reopening as buildings had been closed for a while. Covid19 secure building regulations would continue, using track and trace and a booking system to limit numbers to safe levels.

·         Museums would be opening with some exciting new exhibitions and galleries, including a touring exhibition on wildlife from the natural history museum, and inclusion of peoples nature photographs.

·         In the temporary gallery there would be a round-the-world exhibition with Thomas Cooke, exploring the origins of the Leicester holiday pioneer, using items from the museum collection and from an archive newly acquired.


The Chair thanked the officer for the update and in agreement with the Commission Members made the following recommendations:




1.    The ‘Covid Update on recovery of services’ remained on the work programme for future meetings.

2.    The Commission receives a report to a future meeting relating to marketing, publicity and rebranding of activities for culture, leisure and tourism sectors in the city.

3.    The public are made aware of the reasons why some services were not opening immediately, and to ensure the public know building needed to be made safe areas for people to use.