Agenda item



The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submitted a presentation to update the Commission on the Leisure Centres & Facilities Re-Opening Road Map. The Deputy City Mayor introduced the presentation.


Officers present gave the following information:


·         Three gyms and leisure centres had been opened around the city to provide an even spread of access to the public. The centres were being monitored.

·         The city was slightly out of kilter to what was happening in the national programme because the service was committed to supporting the city testing, track and trace programme.

·         The Health and Fitness Membership / Children on Learn to Swim programme had seen a significant impact and loss in membership from February 2020 to February 2021.

·         The centres would see phased opening. Outdoor sport activities were reported as operating well.

·         The golf course was open and very popular.

·         Saffron Lane athletics stadium was now open.

·         Alongside centres reopening for activities, the presentation highlighted the various centres providing testing support.

·         On 12 April 2021 corporately approved was the opening of three leisure centre gyms only (Aylestone / Braunstone / Cossington).

·         Staff were still redeployed to ensure there was a continuation of support of the City Reach programmes.

·         On 3 May 2021, swimming lessons for young people would be reintroduced at all centres, apart from New Parks.

·         Once those services were operating, there would be a period of review of infection rates, hospital admission rates, and vaccination uptake. Assuming everything was aligned, full activities would be open from 21 June apart from New Parks, which was committed to continuing to offer lateral flow testing.

·         The staffing summary showed a phased withdrawal of staff from the City Reach programmes as services were brought back online.

·         There was reduced membership fee of £15 per month for April, May and June. From 1 July 2021 the fee would revert to standard pricing.

·         Officers were conscious that not all customers would be confident enough to return to an indoor exercise facility and had allowed customers to suspend membership to return to the end of June 2021.

·         The gyms had opened with a sales promotion offer. Usage had been really good over the first couple of weeks with over 6k visits from customers, and 150 new joiners in terms of sales.

·         Officers were pleased to report on the refurbishment of the Evington gym which would be delivered on schedule and be ready to reopen on 21 June.


In response to Members’ queries, the following information was noted:


·         It was not yet known when the New Parks Leisure Centre would reopen as staff were still required for the lateral flow unit currently being operated until at least the Autumn. The authority was wating for Covid rates to fall in the city and were waiting for a steer for when staff could be released back. An update would be brought to the Commission when a date was known.

·         There had been a softer launch of the opening of the three gyms; a balance between reduced opening and the non-opening of wider facilities. There would be focused marketing for when leisure centres were fulling open for business in terms of produces, facilities and services from 21 June, and a very targeted campaign for the opening of Evington Leisure Centre following the gym refurbishment. Marketing would take place over 12 months from 21 June as part of the wider recovery plan.

·         There was no intention for the New Park Centre to remain closed. As soon as Covid rates fell checks would be made with health services as to what staff they required for the testing programme.

ACTION: Ward Councillors and the wider community to be kept informed.

·         If was not known when the AfCab Centre would reopen.

ACTION: Information to be sought from Neighbourhood Services and an answer provided to Commission Members.

·         There was no requirement for people to have had vaccinations to enter museums, but customers were required to scan the QR code as part of track and trace to ensure staff and visitors were safe, and was a requirement when entering a public building. For those people unable to scan the QR code there were alternatives, and staff would be on hand to assist.


The Chair thanked everyone for their hard work.




1.    The information be noted.

2.    Ward Councillors and the wider community be kept informed of the timeline for the reopening of New Parks Leisure Centre.

3.    Information to be provided to Commission Members on the timeline for the reopening of the AfCab Centre.