Agenda item


A verbal update will be given at the meeting on the current position regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. The Committee is recommended to receive the update and comment as required.


The Chair invited the Director of Public Health to provide a verbal update.


The Director of Public Health referred to the confusing announcement made by the Government on 25 May 2021, which had since been rescinded, concerning lockdown measures in seven areas of the country.  It was clarified and confirmed that the city was not the subject of any separate or specific advice concerning a local lockdown.


It was noted, however, that cases were rising, and the variant first discovered in India was now the dominant strain locally. Having replaced the Kent variant.  It was reported that this variant was now found in 85% of cases locally.  There was evidence that the new variant could be spread more easily, and combined with the recent easement of national restrictions, this had led to a gradual increase in cases. Reassurance was provided that the overall rates were still lower than a number of other places in the country, which had not been included on the Government's initial list of local lockdown areas.


The Director of Public Health advised that although the city was not currently seeing a huge rise in numbers of cases or hospital admissions, it was important that everyone continued to follow the national guidance and take the precautions.


In terms of the vaccination programme, it was reiterated that anyone eligible should arrange their appointments as soon as possible, as it would be putting themselves and others at risk from the new variant if ignored.  It was confirmed that having two doses of the vaccine would give similar levels of protection from the new variant as it does to others, so it was considered vital that vaccinations were undertaken.  The availability of vaccines at the additional NHS drop-in centres was promoted.


It was reported that the city’s levels of positive tests were above the national average and that an increase in over 60s cohort had been acknowledged, which was being monitored.  There had not been a significant increase in figures expected since Leicester City’s FA cup triumph and associated celebrations.


Hospital admissions had reduced and no Covid deaths had been registered in the past two weeks.


The Chair thanked the Director for his report and update and invited questions from members.


It was noted that considerable activity had been experienced in respect of concerns form constituents since the Government’s announcement that the city was one of seven areas being designated in ‘special lockdown measures’, which had since been withdrawn.


Members asked whether Ward data could be provided, and it was confirmed that this would be researched and supplied as far as possible.  It was acknowledged that the reputation of the city during Covid had been sometimes problematic and ongoing work with the communications and media teams was noted.


In respect of the vaccination programme it was also suggested that data be shared with members where there were surges of demand and whether there was a recognisable correlation with the levels of positive tests.


The Director of Delivery, Communication and Political Governance reported on the Local Resilience Forum, which continued to respond to issues on a multi-agency approach.  It was noted that the pandemic had been redesignated from a major incident.


In conclusion, the Chair and the City Mayor thanked the Director of Public Health and his team for their impressive ongoing efforts to advise the pubic correctly, and to ensure people understood the variants and their own requirements to prevent transmission.



That the update be noted, and that data be shared with members to identify where there were surges of demand for vaccinations and whether there was a recognisable correlation with the levels of positive tests.