Agenda item

20200252 277 SAFFRON LANE


Ward: Aylestone

Proposal: Change of use from drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to educational establishment, place of worship and community centre (Sui Generis); construction of a single storey extension at rear; alterations

Applicant: Mr Ibrahim Gokce


The Planning Officer presented the report. Members’ attention was drawn to the supplementary report, which contained an amended condition.


Mr Gocke, the applicant, addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.


Mrs Harris addressed the Committee and spoke in objection to the application.


Members considered the report and officers responded to the comments and queries raised.


The Chair moved that the applications be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and supplementary report. This was seconded by Councillor Nangreave and, upon being put to the vote, the motion to approve was CARRIED.



that the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out below including the amended condition 2:




1.           The development shall be begun within three years from the date of this permission. (To comply with Section 91 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.)


2.           Prior to commencement of development, details of an insulation scheme to prevent the transmission of noise to adjacent properties shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority, and the scheme shall be installed in accordance with the approved details prior to commencement of the approved use and maintained thereafter. (In the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan. To ensure that the details are agreed in time to be incorporated into the development, this is a PRE-COMMENCEMENT condition).


3.           The use shall not commence until five secure and covered cycle parking spaces have been provided in accordance with the submitted Travel Plan and retained thereafter. (In the interests of the satisfactory development of the site and in accordance with policies AM02 and H07 of the City of Leicester Local Plan).


4.           The use shall not be carried on outside the hours of  07.30-23.00 Monday – Saturday and 09.00-22.00 Sundays and Public holidays (In the interest of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with policies PS10 and PS11 of the City of Leicester Local Plan.)


5.           The use shall only take place in accordance with the approved Travel Plan and Parking Strategy. The plan shall be maintained and operated at all times. (To promote sustainable transport and in accordance with policies AM01, AM02, and AM11 of the City of Leicester Local Plan and policies CS14 and CS15 of the Core Strategy).


6.           The use shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and the Business Flood Plan, and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA and Business Flood Plan:

              • Safe access/egress

              • Emergency Flood plan

              • Flood resistance and resilience measures

              The mitigation measures shall be implemented in full prior to occupation and subsequently in accordance with the timing/phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme.

              (To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants and in accordance with National Planning Policy Framework (2019) paragraphs 155 and 163 and Core Strategy (2014) policy CS02). 



7.           There shall be no live or amplified music or voice played which would be detrimental to the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties. (In the interests of the amenities of nearby occupiers, and in accordance with policy PS10 of the City of Leicester Local Plan.)


8.           This consent shall relate to the submitted plans ref no. 2019/277SL/001 rev B and 2019/277SL/0020 rev B received by the City Council as local planning authority on 28/04/2020, the submitted plans ref no. 2019/277SL/0030 and 2019/277SL/0040 and Flood Risk Assessment received by the City Council as local planning authority on 10/03/2020, the Noise Statement and Travel Plan and Parking Strategy received by the City Council as local planning authority on 19/02/2021, the Business Plan and Business Flood Plan received by the City Council as local planning authority on 15/03/2021 and the Management Plan received by the City Council as local planning authority on 13/05/2021. (For the avoidance of doubt.)


Supporting documents: