Agenda item


-           From Members of the Public

-           From Councillors


There were no questions from Members of the public.


The following questions were asked by Councillors:


1.      Councillor Dr Moore


“While we can all enjoy the spectacle of fireworks, does the executive recognise that very loud bangs, particularly when unexpected, can be very disturbing for people with mental health problems, and, of course, animals.  What can be done about this?”


Deputy City Mayor, Councillor Clair in response thanked Councillor Moore for her question and he sought to clarify issues in relation to fireworks particularly on the issue of loud bangs and unsuspected impact. He noted that category 3 fireworks, the loudest kind, could not be sold direct to the public, but only used at public displays. He also explained that the Public Safety Team led on firework safety and enforced legislation in relation to businesses that stocked and sold fireworks. Businesses that sold fireworks must be licensed and subject to inspections.


The Deputy City Mayor also noted that there was a report produced by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) where it was tasked to develop evidence in relation to fireworks. He acknowledged that people have experience of the impact on animals and health, but the report was inconclusive on the impact of fireworks on animal health. Further research was being undertaken on firework decibel levels by the OPSS.


The Deputy City Mayor further explained that efforts were already undertaken to raise awareness to celebrate safely and there was work ongoing with partners such as the Fire and Rescue Service and the Police in this area. He was happy to discuss further with Councillor Moore what could be done, but provided assurance that monitoring was undertaken in order to ensure that festivals were a success.


Councillor Moore asked a supplementary question. She welcomed Councillor Clair’s reply and the enforcement activities which were being undertaken. She enquired whether, as the fire ‘season’ approached, could a high-profile campaign promoting safe use of fireworks with consideration for others be undertaken?


Deputy City Mayor responding further said that this was a very good suggestion. He said that he would make sure that officers undertake a campaign and raise awareness, particularly for those events held on Council land. He noted that there was more limited control on events on private land or back gardens, but monitoring could be undertaken and sometimes fines were issued. He agreed to ask officers to undertake more work on the campaign to ensure festivals were enjoyed in a safe manner.


2.      Councillor Rae Bhatia


“I would like to bring to Council’s attention the traffic issues that the residents of Ashton Green are facing. There are two main issues that the council must address immediately-


1.      Site traffic of heavy vehicles passing though the residential area of Glebelands causing disruption, at times unsafe and speeding;


2.      Ashton Green Road itself needs immediate attention and proper resurfacing and repairs must be done;


3.    20 MPH zone must be extended from Deacon Road junction to the Bevan Road roundabout.


May I ask the Assistant Mayor responsible what measures will the Council take to ensure that these issues are taken care of? Thank you.”


Deputy City Mayor, Cllr Clarke responded. He noted that the Gleblands site issues related to a developer led scheme and the traffic responsibility lied with the developers. Access to the site was constrained. The developer had already apologised for activities in relation to deliveries and officers have been undertaking spot checks. If there were further problems, Councillor Rae Bhatia was welcome to contact officers or Councillor Clarke. In relation to the Ashton Green Road surfacing, Councillor Clarke noted that it was maintained to appropriate standards, but if there were specific issues, they could be raised with him, using photos. In respect of a 20mph zone from Deacon Road to Bevan Road, there were currently no plans for a zone in this location, but around Glebelands may in future meet the criteria for such a zone and it could be delivered that way.