The Director of Neighbourhood and Enivronmental Services submits a presentation outlining the portfolio of the Neighbourhood Services department.
The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services presented an overview of the key areas and services relating to the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission portfolio.
The presentation was welcomed and work areas were noted by Members, which would help them to set the Commission’s Work Programme for the forthcoming year.
Members discussed various portfolio areas which included the following points:
Councillors thanked officers for their work evacuating residents from several homes on Halstead Street due to an unstable retaining wall.
Councillors noted that work ongoing with the Housing Scrutiny Commission might be of relevance to the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission. The concept of a joint review into issues such as private landlords was raised.
It was noted that Private Sector Housing was no longer within the remit of the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission. This was now part of Housing Scrutiny Commissions remit.
The quality and responsiveness of services across the Division were noted. Concerns however were raised with respect to the Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit. Officers asked that any cases of concern be raised with them so that they can be reviewed with feedback as appropriate to Members. A detailed breakdown of the Units activity was requested to be fed back to the Commission. Officers confirmed this information was readily available and they would ensure Members of the Commission were provided with an update.
Members welcomed the anti-litter and fly tipping strategy which was being developed by the Council. More detailed information was requested on the Council’s work supporting the voluntary sector.
In response to queries around the status of the Library Plan as laid out in the Constitution, Officers stated that they would consult with the Monitoring Officer.
Concerns were raised regarding the cleanliness of the city centre and other areas in the city as well as the impact of street lifestyles on visitors. Officers asked for any examples of poor cleansing to be referred in so that they could be appropriately followed up. It was noted that a deep clean of the city had been carried out and that photos of this clean would be distributed to Members. It was confirmed that work on street lifestyles was ongoing and Leicester’s approach had been acknowledged at a national level. The results of a national bid to further expand this work was awaited.
In response to queries from Members around the funeral services pledge in the manifesto, Officers stated that a review of the funeral sector had recently been conducted by the Competition and Markets Authority and activity around this commitment was being reviewed in light of this.
Concerns were raised about the increase of fly tipping in the city. Officers further confirmed that an item would be brought to a future meeting of the Commission, looking at fly tipping and littering, noting the previously mentioned litter and fly tipping strategy that was being developed.
It was noted that there would be a program of removal of pop-up cycle lanes in line with the lifting of Covid restrictions on 19 July. It was hoped that some of these lanes could become permanent. It was noted that there would be a program of removal of pop-up cycle lanes in line with the lifting of Covid restrictions on 19 July. It was hoped that some of these lanes could become permanent, however this was outside of this Scrutiny portfolio.
In response to queries from Members, it was noted that the food safety program would soon resume, with higher risk remises being looked at first.
1. That the Commission notes the presentation.
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