Agenda item


Members will receive a verbal update on the Covid 19 and Autumn/Winter vaccination programmes including recent data and vaccination patterns across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.


The Chair reminded those present that since the situation around Covid was fluid written reports were not provided as the data changed daily.


Caroline Trevithick and Kay Darby of Leicester City CCG, gave a presentation and verbal update on the Covid 19 and Autumn/Winter vaccination programmes including recent data and vaccination patterns across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland latest plans


It was noted that:

·         The City compared favourably with other similar cities in terms of vaccination uptake.

·         Vaccination rates had fallen significantly so CCG partners were reviewing that and looking at what next steps could be taken to boost uptake.

·         Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland had published vaccination data that showed the lowest uptake was amongst the under 29 year old age category.

·         In relation to 12-15 year olds, the vaccination programme was due to roll out across secondary schools from next week.

·         A third primary dose vaccination had been approved and recommended for vulnerable people; this was not to be confused with a booster. Work was ongoing to look at which people might benefit from this vaccination.


Expanding the points around low uptake, there were some patterns which included particular areas heavily populated by students, so work was being done to deliver key messages and target people across campuses. Various pop up vaccination clinics were also planned.


In terms of younger people: 16 – 17 year olds were averaging 51.8% uptake, 12-15 year olds currently only had crude numbers however it was known there were 3,034 people in at risk cohorts within this age group waiting for vaccination.


Regarding the vaccination programme for 12-15 years olds and the issue of parental consent, it would be an opt in programme that followed tried and tested practice for other vaccination programmes. However, because it was Covid there was more contention and so there was work around that in terms of parental consent and whether children who are conscient may be able to consent for themselves.


Regarding logistics, it was noted that children in year 7 were a mixture of ages with some not yet 12 years old however the age cut off was 12 years so only those 12 years and above would be vaccinated. Clarity on those arising 11-12 was still awaited. At the moment this was a one dose vaccine, being administered using existing programmes to deliver logistically to schools across LLR.


In terms of encouraging uptake, each school would be visited and given information, some parents/children would need more information and take longer to reach a decision on whether their child should be vaccinated so there would need to be consideration of how those not ready when teams were at school could then have it if they changed their minds. 


The Covid Booster vaccination programme would commence from September.


The seasonal Flu cohort’s vaccination had now started and there was also talk of the Flu programme being wrapped into a combined offer although this would be subject to supply. Additional community pharmacy capacity was also being targeted at hard to reach communities.


Slides on geographical coverage were noted (appended).


In terms of timing of the vaccination for 12-15 year olds, that was guided by the National programme but did present additional challenges as children in LLR schools had returned to school earlier than nationally but CCG’s now had approval to begin and would work through any nuances.


In relation to care homes, care home staff were now required to be vaccinated by November. CCG partners were working closely with councils and care home staff to help and support them and address any reasons for not having the vaccine, however it was still personal choice. Focus was on building confidence in the vaccine and ensuring convenience for its uptake.


Regarding the vaccination of UHL staff compared to take up elsewhere it was noted that 83.1% had received a first dose and 83% had received a second dose. These figures did not include those that may have received their vaccination elsewhere but overall, our hospital vaccination rate was above average.


It was suggested some of the low uptake may be due to people moving away from the area during the period especially university students or Europeans and GP registers not being maintained and updated. In response it was explained that a data exercise was being started to undertake a major clean up of all GP lists and verify them, this would take some time and there was no short cut to that to get to underlying issues.


It was queried whether there were steps to encourage more teachers to be vaccinated especially in schools with vulnerable pupils. In reply it was explained this was not a data set captured nationally, however there was awareness that the vaccination initially had been limited by process of age and there was a push by teachers for them to receive the vaccination sooner.


The Chair welcomed that GP data exercise and asked for an update on any early indicators or patterns as well as updates on initiatives and attempts to increase vaccination uptake.



That a further update on Covid 19 and the Autumn/Winter Vaccination Programme be brought to the next meeting.

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