Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education submits a report, which sets out the findings of the May 2021 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection revisit.




The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education submitted a report, which set out the findings of the May 2021 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection revisit.


The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education noted the following:

·         The Local area visit was anticipated to take place in Spring 2020, however due to the pandemic this happened remotely in May 2021 with an active programme of interviews and focus groups.

·         It was noted that Leicester was meeting the required standards in four out of five areas.

·         The one area not being met was area 4 – post 19 joint commissioning of health services, it was therefore recommended to develop an accelerated progress plan with the DfE and NHS to ensure that the necessary work could be done for this area to be met. Area 4 referred to health needs and therefore leadership would sit with NHS colleagues working together with the rest of the system in Leicester.


The Designated Clinical Officer for Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who provided advice to the CCG on statutory duties for children and young people with SEND 0 – 25 years, presented the following information:

·         The Designated Clinical Officer had the job to ensure that the system as whole, led by health services worked together to support children in this area to meet the area 4 criteria.

·         Key areas for improvement were: the joint commissioning strategy, that the action plan had commenced, stream lining of health processes and pathways, implementing the transition strategy, engaging all stakeholders and ensuring relevant information for those transitioning into health services and working with colleges to ensure they had the support required.


The accelerated progress plan explained:

·         This was the same structure as the previous written statement of action, however new leads had been agreed and reallocated.

·         The impact elements had now been split into output and input which would capture young people’s voices and their parents and carers voices through a number of surveys and focus groups. This would also be co-produced with parent carer forums and in conjunction with the clinical governance manager within Leicestershire Partnership Trust.

·         Areas of focus would be parents and carers, young people, health professionals, colleges and gaining GP’s views.

·         Work was currently taking place with NHS England for improvement using the national benchmarking tool around transition to adult services.



·         Currently developing questions for focus groups with parent carer forums and partners

·         Meeting with DfE and NHS England to discuss progress

·         Engagement Activities – October to November

·         Baseline pulled together for SEND improvement Board – December

·         Continue improving services and look at how performing – January to March 2022

·         A template had been developed to provide feedback regarding progress, impact, next steps and any issues.


In response to a Member’s query, it was noted that some of the aspects why Leicester were unable to reach meet the area could be due to not demonstrating the progress. It was also reiterated that Leicester was not the only area who had not been able to demonstrate the joint commissioning element. However, plans were now in place as noted.



1.    That the report be noted.

2.    That an update be provided to the Commission in six months.

Supporting documents: