The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a presentation updating the Member of the Commission on the Transforming Cities Fund.
Members of the Commission are recommended to note the presentation and pass any comments to the Director of Planning Development and Transportation.
Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submitted a
presentation updating the Commission on the Transforming Cities
Fund. Members of the Commission were recommended to note the
presentation and pass any comments to the Director of Planning
Development and Transportation.
John Dowson, Major Transport Projects Manager for Planning,
Development and Transportation directed the presentation.
Saffron Lane
The project intended to construct a four-section pedestrian and cycle route between the following areas:
1. Putney Road and Hawkins Road
2. Hawkins Road to Knighton Lane East
3. Aylestone Recreational Ground
4. Copinger Road to Heathcott Road
It was noted that schemes 1 and 3 above are to be funded by Transforming Cities Fund from the Government’s Department for Transport (DfT). A decision was awaited on Active Travel DfT funding for sections 2 and 4 above.
All proposed areas would see an improvement in resurfacing and curbing, alongside potential installation of proposed 2-3-metre-wide walkways and cycle routes, and amendments to road junctions. The proposed construction project expected to see an increase in pedestrian and cyclist usage.
Of some concern was the potential impact on trees and wildlife; however, it was noted that the project was working closely with Woodlands colleagues to resolve this issue.
It was noted that consultation had been carried out with local ward councillors in November with overall support. Proposals for the construction for sections 1 and 3 are expected to commence in January 2022, subject to approval.
The Major Transport Projects Manager invited Members to comment.
Upon Member enquiry about the difference between the two fund types, it was noted that the Transforming Cities Leicester fund covers a range of sustainable transport activities, whereas the Government’s Active Travel Fund specifically targeted physically active methods of transport such as walking or cycling.
Members suggested that seeking public engagement and feedback solely through digital means risked the danger of excluding members of the public who do not have virtual media access, and that more inclusive methods should be considered.
Members raised concerns that more emphasis was placed on the cycling aspects rather than pedestrian travel. Further discussion into lighting in the intended construction areas arose, as well as how the project would ensure pedestrians felt safe walking at night.
The Major Transport Projects Manager clarified that the project would not be installing new lighting aside from what lighting already existed. It was noted that LED lighting had already been introduced in the proposed areas, improving visibility. The proposed wider footpaths would further increase visibility overall and ensure that issues around pedestrians being ‘invisible’ at junctions were resolved. Construction expected to improve sight lines for both pedestrians and cyclists, which would help in making the path users feel more comfortable and safer.
Members were concerned about the impact of construction on the busy junction between Saffron Lane and Knighton Lane East, which has been known as an especially prolific area for accidents and fatalities. It was noted that an opportunity was available within the Active Travel Fund to look into the junction, which would allow officers to review and respond better at that time.
Further to Members worries about the impact of construction on road-side parking, especially used during Leicester City Football matches, it was reported that there were no intentions about changing traffic regulations for the proposed areas and parking should not be affected.
Members briefly discussed an old proposal for a park and ride scheme for Leicester City Football matches.
The Chair thanked the Major Traffic Projects Manager for the report and directed Members to contact Andrew Smith, Director for Planning, Development and Transportation for further information.
That the contents of the report and comments made be noted.
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