Committee details

Leicester and Leicestershire Transport Board

Purpose of committee

The Leicester and Leicestershire Transport Board has been established in response to the Government’s intention to devolve funding for local major transport schemes to Local Transport Bodies from 2015.


The Leicester and Leicestershire Transport Board (LLTB) is a voluntary partnership between Leicester City Council, Leicestershire County Council, and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.  A Leicestershire District Council has also been invited to join the Board, but in a non-voting advisory capacity. Leicester City Council acts as the accountable body for the LLTB.


The primary role of the LLTB is to decide which transport investments should be prioritised, to review and approve individual business cases for those investments, and to ensure effective delivery of the programme. It will ensure value for money and sound decision making.


The Department for Transport (DfT) requires each Local Transport Body to put in place an Assurance Framework, setting out their governance and working arrangements.  These frameworks need to be submitted to, and approved by, the DfT before any devolved funding will be transferred.


Contact information

Support officer: Angie Smith, (0116) 4546354, Email: