Issue - decisions

Freehold sale by auction of 1-7 Greyfriars, Leicester, LE1 5PH.

06/02/2023 - Freehold sale by auction of 1-7 Greyfriars, Leicester, LE1 5PH.

1)         The sale by auction of 1-7 Greyfriars, Leicester, LE1 5PH, and car park to the rear.


2)         The properties as outlined above, have been valued by the Council’s RICS registered valuer and additionally an external independent valuation has been undertaken. The Director has approved the valuation as £4.5m as outlined in the scheme of delegation and has accordingly set the reservation price.


3)         Existing easements and wayleave agreements across the car park will be included in the sale.


4)         A new easement for the benefit of Leicester City Council and King Richard III Visitors Centre, 4a St Martins, LE1 4DB for access to, and the use of, the designated parking area within the car park adjacent to the King Richard III Visitors Centre.