To approve the following additions:
o £915k for Green Homes, funded by Government Grant;
o £713k for New Build Council Housing, funded by Government Grant;
o £388k for Off-site Backup ICT Platform including the associated Cyber Security protection, which is to be funded from departmental reserves;
o £300k for Network Improvement & Wi-Fi Replacement, which is to be funded from departmental reserves;
o £237k for Disabled Facilities Grant, funded by Government Grant
Approve the following transfer:
o £500k for Council Housing Boiler Replacements to be transferred from External property works.
Approve the following policy provision release:
o £1,350k for Leicester Market Redevelopment to be funded from Programme Contingency policy provision.
Approve the following change of funding and transfers:
o £170k transfer from Property Conversions to revenue reserves;
o £12,953k of Levelling up project funding to be match funded from Business Rates Pool monies instead of capital reserves;
o £8,453k transfer of revenue funding previously set aside in the capital fund to the managed reserve, retaining £4,500k for capital schemes.