Approve the carry forwards of resources for work programmes and provisions as detailed in the report to 2024/25.
Approve the following additions:
o £4,150k for Replacement Cladding Phoenix Square, funded by an additional government grant
o £1,014k for Highways Maintenance, funded by additional government grants
o £558k for Early Years – Two Year Olds, funded by a government grant
Approve the following transfer:
o £726k from HRA revenue underspends for kitchens and bathrooms, boiler replacements, rewiring, disabled adaptations, and insulation works
o £289k of corporate resources from Onsite Construction Skills Hub to revenue reserves
Approve the following policy provision release:
o Release £380k from the Strategic Acquisitions Policy Provision for the release of a leasehold on Southampton Street to continue land assembly in the cultural quarter
Approve the following reductions to the 2024/25 Capital Programme
o £1,000k reduction in the budget for operational property maintenance