Issue - decisions

Increasing the supply of new Affordable Housing: Request for further increased funding towards proposed Supported Living Scheme at Waterside

05/02/2025 - Increasing the supply of new Affordable Housing: Request for further increased funding towards proposed Supported Living Scheme at Waterside

To approve:


(i)       the addition of up to £0.6m of unallocated Right to Buy Receipts, on top of the previously approved amount of up to £5.7m, as grant payment to East Midlands Housing towards their projected total capital costs for the provision of 55 planning gain Affordable Housing dwellings within the proposed 75 unit Supported Living scheme to be built within the new Waterside residential development; subject to East Midlands Housing entering into an Affordable Rent Grant Agreement with the Council;


ii)        the addition of a further £0.6m to the Housing capital programme for 2025/26 financed from unallocated Right To Buy Receipts.