a) Approve the use of the former Brickworks/Allotments on Gypsum Close owned by the Council for the construction of the new facility, subject to the necessary planning approvals.
b) Endorse the use of Leicestershire County Council for the Design and Construction Monitoring of this project following the required waiver approval by the Director of Environmental & Enforcement Services.
c) Approve the procurement of a competitive contract to build the proposed new Household Waste Recycling Centre.
d) Approve the re-use trial to evaluate the volume of items that can be re-used from the bulky waste collections across the City.
e) Receive update reports on the progress of this significant landmark project, especially an options appraisal on the future use of the existing Bridge Road Household Waste Recycling Centre.
f) Add the scheme to the capital programme, in the sum of £3,533,500.
g) Authorise the director of Environmental & Enforcement Services to determine the design of the scheme, in consultation with the Assistant Mayor for Neighbourhood Services.