Issue - decisions




1.    To approve the capital budget requirement of £2,450,000, including a contribution the European Regional Development Fund (PA2 programme) of up to £1,000,000 and £500,000 from St Martins Cathedral Properties for the development of Cathedral Gardens, Peacock Lane/St Martins scheme and addition of the scheme to the capital programme.


2.    To delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transportation and Economic Development to award the construction contract to the most economically advantageous tender.


3.    That this decision be considered urgent and no ‘Call-in’ be allowed because of the need to commit urgently to a construction contract to deliver the project in partnership with Leicester Cathedral for completion in readiness for the opening of the Richard III centre and the expected timescale for the re-interment of Richard III’s remains.  Confirmation of ERDF funding was not received until Wednesday 2 October, and given the need to urgently commit to the contract, this did not allow sufficient time to permit call-in of the decision.