Issue - decisions




-       To note the level of expenditure of £139.0m at period 9.

-       To note the current level of spend (69%) of the £202.4m approved programme, which is higher than has been the case at this stage in previous years.

-       To approve the use of Right to Buy receipts of £1.25m (that might otherwise have to be returned to the Government) to pay for new extra care and a approve a transfer of £1.25m therby saved to the City Centre accommodation project, as requested at Appendix 2, paragraph 4.4 and Appendix 4, paragraph 6.2.

-       To allocate £6.7m for new intermediate care to the category of ‘immediate starts’ as described in Appendix 2, paragraph 4.2/4.3, so that the scheme can be committed, and extinguish the balance of the policy provision for adult social care transformation.

-       To approve the release of £2m of funds from the Children's Services' policy provision for planned maintenance to the accommodation strategy, to support the relocation of staff from Greyfriars to more suitable accommodation (as advised to the Overview Select Committee on 23rd March 2015); and

-       To authorise the Strategic Director, City Development & Neighbourhoods, to enter into appropriate contracts to facilitate the relocation of staff.