Issue - decisions

Capital Outturn 2015/16

23/06/2016 - Capital Budget Monitoring Outturn 2015/16

1.   Approve the carry forward of resources into 2016/17 for schemes that have been re-profiled (£25.8m) and schemes where spend has slipped into 2016/17 (£8.2m), as detailed in the accompanying report.

2.   Approve the release of £630k from the Schools’ Maintenance policy provision to fund remedial and enhancement works at BSF phase 3-6 schools, as outlined in Appendix C Para 3.5 of the accompanying report.


3.   Approve the release of up to £60k from the Economic Action Plan policy provision to fund the demolition of 15 New Street and associated works, as outlined in Appendix D Para 2.12 of the accompanying report.