Issue - decisions


08/04/2016 - WATERSIDE REGENERATION AREA - Use of Compulsory Purchase Powers - Leicester Waterside - Phase 1

1)         The City Council declare and subsequently make a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to Section 226 (1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, for the purpose of acquiring the land and rights identified in Appendix 1 of the report (the Order Lands). This is required to carry out the development, redevelopment or improvement of the land to deliver the Leicester Waterside-Phase 1 Project. 


The formal making of the Order will be subject to:


(a)       The Council ensuring that all reasonable steps have been taken to acquire the required interests in the land by agreement.


(b)       A resolution by Full Council to secure the necessary funding to carry out the CPO property interests and rights acquisitions and associated compensation claims and the subsequent infrastructure works.


(c)       The Council ensuring that satisfactory progress is achieved with a developer to undertake the scheme.


2.         The City Barrister & Head of Standards be authorised to advertise the making of the Order referred to above and take all relevant action thereon to promote the confirmation of the Order.